
Christianity in Korea

o Korean Christian Museum 한국기독교역사문화관
o Society for the Studies of Korean Church History 한국기독교사학회
o Center for Korean Church History 한국교회사연구소
o Council of the 100th Anniversary of the Korean Church 한국기독교백주년기념사업회
o Yanghwajin Foreigners and Missionaries Cemetery 양화진외국인선교사묘원
o Memorial Hall of the Martyrs of the Korean Church 한국순교자기념관
o Korean Church History Museum 한국기독교역사박물관
o Korean Christian Museum 숭실대 한국기독교박물관
o Korean Institute of Christian History 한국기독교사연구소


Organizations and Institutes
o Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Korea한국천주교 주교회의 한국천주교중앙협의회
o National Council of Churches in Korea 한국기독교교회협의회
o Council of Churches of Korea 한국기독교총연합회
o Korean Bible Society 대한성서공회
0 Open Archives 오픈 아카이브
0 Yongdo Institute of Faithology 이용도믿음학연구소
0 A list of the Roman Catholic Organizations


o Korea Computer Ministry (KCM) 한국컴퓨터선교회
o Korean Christian Mission USA 재미한인기독교선교재단
o Bible versions: Holynet


Overseas Missions
o List of Mission Organizations in Korea 한국 선교 단체 싸이트
o Korea World Missions Association 한국세계선교협회의
o Korea Research Institute for Missions (KRIM) 한국선교연구원
o Korean Society of Mission Studies 한국선교신학회
o Global Missionary Training Center 한국해외선교회/한국선교훈련원
o Mission Korea 선교한국
o Mission Times (monthly, Korean)
o Mission Magazine (in Korean)
0 Committee of the Missions Abroad and the Pastoral Care of the Overseas Korean
해외선교 교포사목 위원회


Academic Journal, TV, RAdio, Newspapers, & Magazines,
0 Madang: International Journal of Contextual Theology
o Christian Broadcasting System (CBS) 한국기독교방송
o Christian Global Network TV (CGNTV)
o Christian Television System (CTS) 기독교 TV
o World Christian Network (WCNTV) 기독교 IPTV
o Christian Thought 기독교사상
o Salt and Light 빛과 소금
o Ministry and Theology 목회와 신학
o Gospel and Context 복음과 상황
o Catholic Digest 카톨릭 다이제스트
o Newsnjoy 뉴스엔조이
o Newspower 뉴스파워



Portals & Libraries
o open archive 오픈 아카이브: 민주화운동 자료
o data.go.kr 국가공유자원포탈
o Korean Studies Scholars and Students Online Database
o KoreaWeb: Frank Hoffman’s Korean Studies Webpage
o National Library of Korea국립도서관 전자도서관

o National Assembly Library국회도서관
o Hi-Brian Net 하이브레인넷

♦ Organizations and Institutes
o National Institute of Korean History 국사편찬위원회
o The Independence Hall of Korea 독립기념관
o The Korea Foundation 국제교류재단
o The Korea Research Foundation 한국연구재단
o Academy of Korean Studies, Korea 한국학중앙연구원
0 UNESCO World Heritage, Korean Sites
o Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies, Seoul National University
o Yonseil University Institute for Korean Studies 연세대학교 국학연구원
o Research Institute of Korean Studies, Korea University, 고려대학교 민족문화연구원
0 Digital Archives of the National Merits 공훈전자사료관
고려대학교 민족문화연구원해외한국학자료센터

Academic Journals (English)

o Acta Koreana by Kyemyong University
o International Journal of Korean History by Korea University
o International Journal of Korean Studies by International Council on Korean Studies
o International Review of Korean Studies by The University of New South Wales
o Journal of Korean Religionsby Sogang University
o Journal of Korean Studiesby Stanford University
o Journal of Northeast Asian History by Northeast Asian History Foundation
o Korea Journalb y the Korean National Commission for UNESCO
o Korea Focus by the Korea Foundation
o Korean Histories by Leiden University
o Korean Studies by University of Hawaii
o Review of Korean Studies by Academy of Korean Studies
o Seoul Journal of Korean Studies by Seoul National University

♦ E-Sources

o Korean Info. Service System (KISS) 한국학술 정보
Multidisciplinary full-text DB of journal articles published from 1300 research institutions.

o DBPIA 누리미디어
Full-text DB of journal articles published by major Korean research institutions.
o RISS한국교육학술정보원
English language interface of RISS offers an access to over 900,000 full-text journal articles from Korean research institutes, full-text of 380,000 masters and doctors theses from 140 Korean universities and bibliographic records of over 7 million materials in 500 Korean libraries.

o KRPia 한국의 지식콘텐츠
Full-text databases of primary sources in Korean Studies
includingÂÂ Samguk sagi, Samguk yusa

o KOSTMA Center of Korean Studies Materials 한국학자료센터
Original Texts of old materials in Korean Studies.

o Korea A toZ – DB Media Contents Library 한국학의 관문
Full-text of primary sources and classics in Korean studies.

oKorean Studies Database: E-KoreanStudies
Full-text of various sources

Selected full-text electronic books by the publisher, Hanguk Haksul Chongbo.

o Digital Culture Art Course 디지털문화 예술강좌

Video lectures on art and culture topics by scholars and specialists.

o Kdatabase 한국학전자도서관
Full-text scholarly resources on Korean modern and contemporary history.

oKINDS 한국언론진흥재단 고신문 DB
Full-text of the earlier newspapers 1897-1910 and more.
독립신문, 협성회회보, 매일신문, 황성신문, 대한매일신보, 매일신보

o KPjournal 북한학술지 통합 DB
Full-text of 18 North Korean science and technology journal articles.

o Korean History & Culture Research Database 한국역사문화 조사자료 DB
Full-text of research reports about archeology, geography, history, ethnology, architecture.

o Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library

o DPRK Information Center: North Korea News

o Korean Electronic Sources, UCLA East Asian Library

o Digital Resources for Korean Studies, Harvard College Library

o Center for Overseas Resources on Korean Studies, Korea University 고려대 해외한국학자료센터

o Today’s Phostos of Korea: Donga Ilbo Blog

0 Media Images: Pictoria.net
* Glossary of Korean Studies
o Academy of Korean Studies: Glossary of Korean Studies

North Korea 

mt p

o The Two Koreas and the Third Worldon the Wilson Center Digital Archive

0 한반도 평화연구원 Korea Peace Institute

0 38 North a program of the U.S.-Korea Institute at SAIS (USKI)

0 Daily NK (in English) Daily NK (in Korean)

0 U Korea News (Korean)

o British Library North Korea News

0 SinoNK sinonk.com

o Washington Post: North Korea

o US Congress: Country Studies: North Korea

o 남북나눔운동 Sharing net