
Books and Doctoral Dissertations on Korean Christianity

A. English, French, & English-Korean


This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is B0CCZSSR7Q.01.S001.JUMBOXXX-687x1024.jpg Ryu Daeyoung, Protestant Christianity in Modern Korean History, Sprout Books.


This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 9780824888565-scaled-1-678x1024.jpg Cha, Paul Sung. Balancing Communities: Nation, State, and Protestant Christianity in Korea, 1884-1942. University of Hawaii Press. 244 pp.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 41YzZZuhMqL._SX330_BO1204203200_.jpg Helen Jin Kim. Race for Revival: How Cold War South Korea Shaped the American Evangelical Empire. Oxford Univ. Press.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 0367775484.01.S001.JUMBOXXX-687x1024.jpg Roh, Hannah Amaris. Christianity, the Sovereign Subject, and Ethnic Nationalism in Colonial Korea: Specters of Western Metaphysics. Routledge.



 Choi, Hyae-weol. Gender Politics at Home and Abroad: Protestant Modernity in Colonial-Era Korea, Cambridge University Press, 2020.



Pyongyang Again Jerusalem of the East: Prayer, prophets and deals by Brother Eric  | Jul 21, 2018

 Religious Experience Among Second Generation Korean Americans  by Mark Chung Hearn | Jun 10, 2018


Korean Women, Self-Esteem, and Practical Theology: Transformative Care  by Jaeyeon Lucy Chung | Nov 7, 2017

 Sung-Deuk Oak ed. & tr. Samuel Austin Moffett Papers. Vol. IV  1904-19060 (Holywave Press), Aug. 2017. 788 pages
 Sung-Deuk Oak ed. & tr., Samuel Austin Moffett Papers. Vol. III  1901-1903 (Holywave Press),  July 2017. 956 pages
Sung-Deuk Oak ed., Sources of Nursing History in Korea. Vol. 2, 1910-1919 (Korean Nurses Association), May 2017. 776 pages.
Scott W. Sunquist. Explorations in Asian Christianity: History, Theology, and Mission (IVP Academic). May 2017.
Don Baker and Franklin Rausch, Catholics and Anti-Catholicism in Choson Korea (University of Hawaii Press). May 2017.
Heup Young Kim, A Theology of Dao (Orbis Books), May 18, 2017.
Albert Welter and Jeffrey Newmark eds., Religion, Culture, and the Public Sphere in China and Japan (Palgrave Macmillan: Religion and Society in Asia Pacific).March 2017. (two chapters are related to Korea)
Sung-Deuk Oak ed. & tr., Samuel Austin Moffett Papers. Vol. II  1895-1900 (Holywave Press), Feb. 2017. 802 pages.
Sung-Deuk Oak ed. & tr., Samuel Austin Moffett Papers. Vol. I  1868-1894 (Holywave Press), Feb. 2017. 756 pages.
Anselm Min ed., Korean Religions in Relation: Buddhism, Confucianism, Christianity (Albany, NY: SUNY Series in Korean Studies). December 1, 2016. 

The Atomic Bomb of Love: 사랑의 원자탄  by An Yong-jun and Kim Peter S. | Aug 4, 2016

White Flame: The Story of Rev. Son Yang-won: 하얀불꽃: 손양원목사 전기 by Park Hyun-jung and Kim Myung-jun | Aug 1, 2016

Frank W. Schofield: Essential Writings: 프랭크 스코필드 선집   by Frank W. Schofield, Kim Jae-hyun, et al. | Jul 31, 2016

Dr. Frank W. Schofield and Korea: 프랭크 스코필드 박사와 한국 by Doretha Mortimore, Myung-jun Kim, et al. | Jul 28, 2016

I Wish to be Buried in Korea: 민족대표 34인 석호필 by Jang-nak Lee and Jin-young Choi | Jul 26, 2016

AG Fletcher portrait c Donald R. Fletcher. By Scalpel and Cross: A Missionary Doctor in Old Korea. Wipf and Stock. June 2016. (Foreworded by Dr. Sung-Deuk Oak).

Not Forgotten: The True Story of My Imprisonment in North Korea by Kenneth Bae and Mark Tabb | May 3, 2016

Migration and Religion in East Asia: North Korean Migrants’ Evangelical Encounters by Jin-Heon Jung | Apr 29, 2016

51rz1MqgjzL. SX331 BO1204203200 Kim, Paul Hyoshin. Jesus of Korea: Savior of the People. Fortress Books, April 2016. 192 pages.

dd Lee, Hai Sun. “The Study on the Problems of the Current Korean Churches.” Liberty University, 2016.

416DyCvKMpL. SX331 BO1204203200 Wonsuk Ma and Kyo Seong Ahn eds., Korean Church, God’s Mission, Global Christianity (Regnum Edinburgh Centenary). September 15, 2015. 
51AwTbGwXL. AA160 Chang, Paul. Protest Dialectics: State Repression and South Korea’s Democracy Movement, 1970-1979. Stanford University, April 2015. 

9780824839659 Park, Albert L. Building a Heaven on Earth: Religion, Activism, and Protest in Japanese Occupied Korea. University of Hawaii, Jan. 2015.  

dd Seo, Kyungmi Joyce. “Success Stories of Korean Christian Female Leaders: Practicing Authentic Leadership.” Biola University, 2015.

kim n mim Kim, Sebastian & Kim. Kirsteen. A History of Korean Christianity. Cambridge University Press, Nov. 2014.
Review by Dae Young Ryu. 
414DYnvD7eL. AA160 Anderson, Emily. Christianity and Imperialism in Modern Japan: Empire for God. London: Bloomsbury Academic (December 18, 2014).
death Horlyck, Charlotte et als. eds. Death, Mourning, and the Afterlife in Korea: Ancient to Contemporary Times. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

61543 Baker, Donald ed. Critical Readings on Christianity in Korea (4 Vol. Set). Brill Academy, May 2014. 

david yoo Albert Park and David K. Yoo eds. Encountering Modernity: Christianity in East Asia and Asian America. University of Hawaii Press, March 2014.

rsm Young Ick Lew. The Making of the First Korean President: Syngman Rhee’s Quest for Independence, 1875-1948. Univ. of Hawaii Press, Dec. 31, 2013.

songs in seoul Nicholas Harkness.Songs of Seoul: An Ethnography of Voice and Voicing in Christian South Korea. University of California Press, November 2013.

jones book cover G. Heber Jones, The Rise of The Church in Korea (1917) 한국교회형성사. edited, trascribed, & translated by Sung-Deuk Oak (Seoul: Hongsungsa, November 2013). 

oak book cover Oak, Sung-Deuk. The Making of Korean Christianity: Protestant Encounters with Korean Religions, 1876-1915. World Christianity Study Series 1. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press.

bomk Jonathan J. Bonk ed. Family Accountability in Missions: Korean and Western Case Studies.OMSC Publications, January 2013.



51IVVFLh4TL. SY300 Roux, Pierre-Emmanuel. La croix, la baleine et le canon: la France face à la Corée au milieu du XIXe siècle. Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 2012. review

191720 36285 386 Ben Torrey ed. Rev. Reuben Archer Torrey III’s Koinonia for the Reunification 대천덕 신부의 통일을 위한 코이노니아. Seoul: Hongsungsa, 2012.
pcmnk.jpg - 139.45 Kb Oak, Sung-Deuk. A Pictorial History of Modern Nursing in Korea 한국근대간호역사화보집, 1885-1945. Seoul: Korean Nurses Association, Jan. 2012. 380 pages.
dd Motokazu Matsutani, “Church over Nation: Christian Missionaries and Korean Christians in Colonial Korea,” Harvard University, Ph. D. 2012.
oaoa.jpg - 21.48 Kb Oak, Sung-Deuk. Samuel Austin Moffett Papers, Vol. I. 1868~1894. 마포삼열서한집 1권. Seoul: Duranno Academy. 670 pages.
miller3.jpg - 195.77 Kb Oak, Sung-Deuk. Historical Documents of the Korean Bible Society. Vol. III. Correspondence of Hugh Miller 대한성서공회역사자료집 3 밀러총무서신, 1909-1937. Seoul: Korean Bible Society. 780 pages.
ccc1.jpg - 95.84 Kb Oak, Sung-Deuk. Sources of Nursing History in Korea 한국간호역사자료집, Vol. I. 1886-1911. Seoul: Korean Nurses Association, October 2011, 840 pages.
ma.jpg - 12.61 Kb S. Hun Kim and Wonsuk Ma. Korean Diaspora and Christian Mission. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock Publishers, May 2011.
dd Kim Jimin, “Representing the Invisible: The American Perceptions of Colonial Korea, 1910-1945,” Columbia University, Ph. D., 2011.
41Ta-OnSFsLHan, Kyung-Chik. Kyung-Chik Han Collection. 10 vols. Seoul: Kyung-Chik Han Foundation.
A Protestant theology of passion : Korean Minjung theology revisited Küster, Volker. A Protestant Theology of Passion : Korean Minjung Theology Revisited. Leiden: Bril.

pcw.jpg - 5.66 Kb Park, Chang-won. Cultural Blending In Korean Death Rites: New Interpretive Approaches. London, New York; Continuum.

s kim.jpg - 7.47 KbKim, Sharon, A Faith Of Our Own: Second-Generation Spirituality in Korean American Churches. Rutgers University Press. April 2010. Review

225.jpg - 14.02 Kb Yoo, David. Contentious Spirits: Religion in Korean American History, 1903-1945. Stanford University Press. April 2010. Review

20100517 1826371 Oak, Sung-Deuk. Horace Grant Underwood and Lillias Horton Underwood Papers, 5 Vols. Seoul: Yonsei University Press, 2005- 2010. With Korean translation.

4142mbp7rel__sl500_aa240_.jpg - 10.84 Kb Lee, Timothy S. Born Again: Evangelicalism in Korea. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, February 2010. A book review by Don Baker; a book review by Ryu Dae-young.

dd Anderson, Emily. “Christianity in the Japanese Empire: Nationalism, Conscience, and Faith in Meiji and Taisho Japan,” UCLA, Ph.D.

img122 Lee, Sang Gyoo 이상규. To Korea with Love: Australian Presbyterian Mission Work in Korea, 1889-1941. Melbourne: Presbyterian Church of Victoria.
0 kim insu.jpg - 5.99 Kb Kim Insu, James S. Gale’s Mission Letters, 1891-1900. Seoul: Kumran, Dec. 2009. With Korea translation.

51c7c6F8blL. SL500 AA300 Ahn, Katherine H. Lee. Awakening the Hermit Kingdom: Pioneer American Women Missionaries in Korea. Pasadena, Calif.: William Carey Library, 2009.

chw.jpg - 6.75 Kb Choi, Hyaeweol. Gender and Mission Encounters in Korea: New Women Old Ways (Seoul- California Series in Korean Studies 1). Berkeley: UC Press, November 2009. review

0 missionarykorea.jpg - 11.76 Kb Clark, Donald N. Missionary Photography in Korea: Encountering the West through Christianity. Seoul: Seoul Selection, October 2009.

0 baecker book.jpg - 17.69 Kb McCuner, Evelyn Becker and Thomson, Heather McCune. Michigan to Korea: Arthur Lynn Becker 1899-1926. USA: 2009.

Neff, Robert and Cheong Sunghwa. Korea through Western Eyes. Seoul: Seoul National University Press, 2009. a book review by Henry Savenije.

progress of missions.jpg - 10.03 Kb Glover, Robert H. Progress of World-wide Missions. Bibliolife. 2009.

1212.jpg - 17.59 Kb Lee, Young-hoon et als. The Holy Spirit Movement in Korea: Its Historical and Theological Development. Wipf & Stock Publishers, April 2009.

0 deliberance.jpg - 3.28 Kb Chong, Kelly. Deliverance and Submission: Evangelical Women and the Negotiation of Patriarchy in South Korea . Cambridge: Harvard University Asia Center. December 2008. a book review by Andrew Kim.

img129 Ewy, Priscilla Welbon. Arthur Goes to Korea: The Early Life of Arthur Garner Welbon and His First Years as Missionary to Korea, 1900–1902. Tucson, Ariz.: Self-published, 2008.

0 global.jpg - 3.60 Kb Chang, Yunshik, Seok, Yunho, Baker Don. eds. Korea Confronts Globalization. Routledge. Oct. 2008.

41fmddwwql__sl500_aa300_.jpg - 11.07 Kb Baker, Don. Korean Spirituality. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, June 2008.

0 ko am.jpg - 2.94 Kb Kim, Heerak Christian. Korean-American Youth Identity and 9/11: An Examination of Korean-American Ethnic Identity in Post – 9/11 America, Hermit Kingdom Press, May 2008.

0 education.jpg - 3.45 Kb Jan A. B. Jongeneel, Peter Tze Ming Ng, Chong Ku Paek, and Scott W. Sunquist eds. Christian Mission and Education in Modern China, Japan, and Korea. New York: Peter Lang, April 2008.

0 koreanmonasticism.jpg - 10.31 Kb Kim, Sunghae and Heisig, James W. eds. Monasticism Buddhist and Christian: The Korean Experience. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2008. Book review by Keneth Lee

0 misaeng.jpg - 4.00 Kb Kim, Misaeng. The Rise of the Korean Holiness Church in Relation to the American Holiness Movement: Wesley’s ‘Scriptural Holiness’ and the ‘Fourfold Gospel’. Scarecrow, February 2008.

222.jpg - 13.90 Kb Yoo, David and Chung, Ruth. Religion and Spirituality in Korean America. University of Illinois Press. February 2008.

41aji5ijwl__ss500_.jpg - 19.96 Kb Kim, Sung Hae and Heisig, James eds. Encounters: The New Religions of Korea and Christianity. Seoul: Royal Asiatic Society of Korea, January 2008.

0 img0104.jpg - 16.59 Kb Kil Sôngju, 만사성취 Masaseongchwi[Attaining All Things], 1916. tr. by Deberniere J. Torrey. Seoul: KIATS, Jan. 2008.

0 buswell.jpg - 9.81 Kb Buwell, Robert E. Jr & Lee, Timothy S. eds. Religions in Korea in Practice. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2007.
41nkimpkb1l__ss500_.jpg - 19.81 Kb Buswell, Robert E. Jr. and Lee Timothy S. eds. Christianity in Korea. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, June 2007.
img130 Ewy, Priscilla Welbon. Sadie Goes to Korea: The Early Life of Sarah Harvey Nourse and His First Years as Missionary to Korea, 1899–1900. Tucson, Ariz.: Self-published, 2007.

288681 150 Kim In Soo ed., 알렌의사의 선교 외교 편지 Horace N. Allen, M.D.’s Missionary and Diplomatic Letters, 1884-1905. Seoul: Qumnan Press, 2007.

heron book Kim In Soo ed., 헤론의사의 선교편지 John W. Heron, M.D.’s Missionary Letters, 1885-1890. Seoul: Qumnan Press, 2007.

0 img010.jpg - 19.37 Kb Stentzel, Jim. More Than Witnesses: How a Small Group of Missionaries Aided Korea’s Democratic Revolution. Seoul: Korea Democracy Foundation, 2006.

cjk.jpg - 21.98 Kb Choi, Jai-keun. The Korean Church under Japanese Colonialism. Seoul: Chipmundang.

B. Korean

210275921s한반도평화연구원, 사회주의 체제 전환과 기독교 [Cases of the Transformation of the Socialist State System and Christianity], 한울아카데미.
210954472s 新堀邦司 Nihori Kunichi. 김교신의 신앙과 저항 [Kim Kyosin’s Fiath and Resistance]. 익투스.
2012072601002275600140301 Поздняев, Денис (Дионисий) Андреевич ed. 이요한 이정권역. 러시아정교회 한국선교이야기 [Stories of the Korea Mission of the Russian Orthodox Church]. Hongsungsa.
5858 Han, Chongho 한종호. 밀실에 갇힌 예수 [Jesus Confined in the Closed Door]. Seoul: Kkotchari.
l9788983508041 Sohn, Pongho et als. 한국 사회의 발전과 기독교 [The Development of Korean Society and Christianity]. Seoul: Yeyong Communication.
8926828719 1 Kim Myongsu 김명수. 씨알사상과 민중신학 [Ssial Thought and Minjung Theology]. 한국학술정보.
191628 36148 3032 Yu, Seungjun 유승준. 천국의 섬 [An Island of Heaven: Life and Martyrdom of Evangelist Moon Jungyeong]. Hongsungsa.
8966400000 f Kim Sung-Geun 김성건, 한국교회의 현실과 쟁점 [The Korean Church’s Reality and Issues]. 프리칭아카데미.
8996786810 1 Yang Changsam 양참삼. 조선을 섬긴 행복 [Life of Elizabeth Shepping]. 서빙더피플.
l9788990928269 Newsnjoy 뉴스엔조이. 마을을 섬기는 시골 교회 [Country Churches Serving the Villages]. Seoul: Newsnjoy.
l9788932316178 Kim, Jinho 김진호. 시민 K 교회를 나가다 [A Citizen K left the Church]. SeoulL Hyunamsa.
hcghs.jpg - 23.77 Kb Cho, Hyunbeom et als. 한국천주교회사 [A History of the Roman Catholic Church in Korea] 4. 한국교회사연구소
l9788964910474 Yi, Eunsun et als. 한국 근대화와 기독교의 역할 [The Role of Christianity in the Modernization of Korea]. Seoul: Duranno Academy.
nhsgsyg.jpg - 8.58 Kb 한국교회사학원 편, 내한 선교사 연구 [A Study on Early Protestant Missionaries to Korea]. 서울, 대한기독교서회.
ckcemove.jpg - 175.43 KbPark, Chonghyun 박종현 편, 변화하는 한국교회와 복음주의 운동 Changing Churches in Korea and the Evangelical Movement. 서울: 두란노아카데미, 2011
dialogue kim Kang, Won-ryong et als. 김수환 추기경과 나눈 대화 [Dialogue with Archbishop Kim Suhwan]. Chisik sanopsa, 2011.

0 hanmi.jpg - 3.80 Kb Ahn, Chong-chul 안종철. 미국 선교사와 한미관계 American Missionaries and Korea-US Relationship, 1931-1945. Seoul: IKCH, June 2010.

0 rc.jpg - 9.89 Kb 한국교회사연구소, 한국천주교회사 History of the Catholic Church in Korea, vol. 3. Seoul: May 2010.

0 hanguk youngsung.jpg - 8.78 Kb Yi, Teok-chu 이덕주. 한국 영성 새로 보기 A New Look of Korean Christian Spirituality. Seoul: Singangwajisongsa, Feb. 2010.

0 yi wongyu.jpg - 5.31 Kb Yi, Won-gyu 이원규. 한국교회의 위기와 희망 Crisis and Hope of the Korean Church. Seoul: KMC, Jan. 2010

0 hu hoik 2009.jpg - 7.46 Kb Huh Hoik 허호익. 귀츨라프의 생애와 조선선교활동 Life of Karl Gutzlaff and His Missionary Work in Korea. Seoul: IKCH, 2009.

0 kim st.bmp - 41.68 Kb Kim, Seungtae 김승태. 중일전쟁 이후 전시체제와 수탈 [Japnese Exploitation and Mobilization during the Wartime in 1937-1945]. Korean Independence Hall. 2009.

l9788991097995 Moon, Tonghwan 문동환. 문동환 자서전 [Autobiography of Moon Tonghwan]. Seoul: Samin, 2009.

0 hur myongsop.jpg - 10.53 Kb Huh, Myeongseop 허명섭, 해방이후 한국교회의 재형성 Reconstruction of the Korean Church since the Liberation, 1945-1960. Seoul: 서울신학대학출판부, 2009.

mutel dirat 8.jpg - 15.07 Kb Han’guk kyohoesa yôn’guso, 뮈텔 주교 일기 Mwitel chugyo ilgi [Diaries of Bishop Mutel]. 8 Vols. [1890-1933]. June 2009.

0 ikch.jpg - 4.42 Kb Han’guk Kidokkyo yoksa hakhoe ed, 한국 기독교의 역사 History of Korean Christianity. vol. 3. Seoul: Institute for Korean Church History. May 2009.

0 kim mb.jpg - 10.25 Kb Kim, Myongbae 김명배, 해방후 한국기독교 사회운동사 The Social Movement of Korean Christianity, 1960-1987. Seoul: Book Korea, April 2009.

7751697.jpg - 27.43 Kb Oak, Sung-Deuk 옥성득. 한반도 대부흥 Hanbando Taebuhung[Pictorial History of the Revivals of the Korean Church, 1900-1910]. Seoul: Hongsungsa. February 2009.

0 baird soongsil.jpg - 8.73 Kb Soongsil University 한국기독교문화연구소. 베어드와 한국선교 William M. Baird and the Korea Mission. Seoul: SUP, February 2009.

0 sinsuil.jpg - 18.32 Kb Shin, Suil 신수일. 한국교회 에큐메니칼 운동사 Ecumenical Movement in Korea, 1884-1945. Seoul: Kumnan Ch’ulp’ansa, May 2008.

L Cho Hyŏnbŏm 조현범. 조선의 선교사, 선교사의 조선. Chosŏn ŭisŏn’gyosa, sŏn’gyosa ŭi Chosŏn [Chosŏn’s missionaries, missionaries’ Chosŏn]. Seoul: Center for Korean Church History, 2008. review.

0 kim yj.jpg - 10.38 KbKim, Youngjae 김영재, 되돌아보는 한국기독교 Korean Christianity in Restropect. Seoul: Hapsin Graduate School, 2008

0 yang 2008 4.jpg - 13.79 Kb Yang, Nakheung 양낙흥. 한국장로교회사 A History of the Presbyterian Church. Seoul: Word of Life, April 2008.