Roman Catholicism

Roman Catholicism: General

Cawley, Kevin N. “Deconstructing Hegemony: Catholic Texts In Chosŏn’s Neo-Confucian Context,” Acta Koreana (June 2012): 15-42.
Cho, Kwang. “The Meaning of Catholicism in Korean History.” Korea Journal 24 (Aug. 1984): 14–27.
0 choi ckChoi, Chai-Keun. The Origin of the Roman Catholic Church in Korea. Edinburgh: Hermit Kingdom Press, 2006.
Choi, Seon-Hye. “The Holy Mother and the Son of God: A Stone Cast at Patriarchal Society in Late Chosŏn Korea,” Acta Koreana (June 2012): 107-126.
Choi, Suk-Woo. “Korean Catholicism Yesterday and Today.” Korea Journal 24 (Aug. 1984): 4–13.
Dallet, Claude Charles. Histoire de l’Eglise de Corée. Paris: Librairie Victor Palmé, 1874.
2860344969de Bretenieres, Appert CamilleFor the Faith: Life of Just de Bretenieres, Martyred in Korea, March 8, 1866tr. by Florence GilmoreCatholic Foreign Mission Society, Maryknoll, NY, 1918.
0 de medinande Medinan, Juan Ruiz. The Catholic Church in Korea Its Origins 1566-1784. tr. by John Bridges. Seoul: Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch, 1994.


Finch, Andrew J. “The ‘blood of the martyrs’ and the growth of Catholicism in late Chosŏn Korea,” Historical Research (Nov. 2015): 674–692.

——-. “French Catholic Spirituality and the Nineteenth-century Korean Church,” Journal of Korean Religions (April 2015): 225-256.

——-. “A Necessary and Fruitful Labour: The Société des Missions Etrangères de Paris and the Formation of a Native Clergy in Korea, C.1836–66,” Historical Research (May 2008): 280–291.

Hwang, Alexander Y. “The Silk Letter of Alexander Sayong Hwang: Introduction and Abridged Translation.” Missiology: An International Review 37/2 (2009): 165-179.

Jung, Jae-Hoon. “Meeting the World through Eighteenth-century Yŏnhaeng,” Seoul Journal of Korean Studies 23:1 (June 2010): 51-69.
Kim, Ok-Hy. “Women in the History of Catholicism in Korea.” Korea Journal 24(August 1984): 28–40.
Kim, Sanggeun 김상근. Strange Names of God: The missionary translation of the divine name and the Chinese responses to Matteo Ricci’s Shangti in Late Ming China, 1583-1644. New York, Peter Lang, 2004.

Launay, Adrien. La Coree et Les Missionnarires Francais, with intro-introduction by Chasles Dallet

*Part I: Addresses: Le pays, les productinos, les habitants;historie de la Coree; son etat de vasselage vis-a-visde la Chine, origine des divers partis politiques; rois,princes du sang, eunuques, funerailles royales; gouvernementorganisation civile et militaire, tribunaux, pretoriens,prisons, supplices; examens publics, grades etdignities, ecoles speciales; la langue Coreene; etat social,differentes classes, nolesse, peuple, esclaves; condition defemmes, mariage; famille, adoption, parente; religion, culte de ancetres, superstitions populaires; caracter des Coreens, leurs qualities, morales, leures defauts, leurshabitudes; jeux, comedies, fetes du nouvel an, le hoan-rap;logements, habillements, coutumes diverses; sciences,industrie and commerce.

*Part II: Origine de l’eglise Coreeane, remier martyrs, Le PereJacques Tsiou [1794-1801], Columba Kang [1901], Luthgarde Ni, vierge et martyre [1802], martyre du Pere Tsiou-lettredes catholiques Coreens au aper; en Coree un pauvre homme;un ecolier sans pareil-Mgr. Imbert, ses vertus; martyre deMgr, Imbert et M.M. Chastan et Maubant; une famille de martyrs; voyage de Mgr. Ferreol et de Maistre en route pour la Coree; premiere intervention Francais en Coree, martyre du Pere Andre Kim; expedition Francaise en Coree, entree de M. Maistre; Mgr. Berneux et ses missionnaries, la guere Anglo-Francais en Chine, le terreurs de Coreens, nouveaux apotres;les Russes-arrestation et martyre de Mgr. Berneux, de MM. deBretenieres, Beaulieu, Dorie; martyre de MM. Ourthie et Pet-itnicolas, de Mgr. Daveluy et ses compagnons [1866], MM Fer-on, Riodel, la persecution.and many others in this vein.

Moon, Youngseok. “Sociological Implications of the Roman Catholic Conversion Boom in Korea,” Korea Journal (Spring 2011): 143-175.

Neff, Robert and Cheong Sunghwa. Korea through Western Eyes. Seoul; Seoul National University, 2009.

Rausch, Franklin. Like Birds And Beasts: Justifying Violence Against Catholics In Late Chosŏn Korea,” Acta Koreana (June 2012): 43-71.

———. “The Bishop’s Dilemma: Gustave Mutel and the Catholic Church in Korea, 1890–1910,” Journal of Korean Religions (April 2013): 43-69.

———. ““All Man, All Priest”: Father Emil Kapaun, Religion, Masculinity, and the Korean War,” Journal of Korean Religions (Oct. 2015): 61-92.

Ridel, F. C. ed. 韓佛字典 Hanbul chadyŏn: Dictionnaire Coréen-Français. Yokohama: Levy, 1880. 

Roux,Pierre-Emmanuel. “The Great Ming Code And The Repression Of Catholics In Chosŏn Korea,” Acta Koreana (June 2012): 73-106.

Shin, Junhyoung Michael. “The Supernatural in the Jesuit Adaptation to Confucianism: Giulio Aleni’s Tianzhu Jiangsheng Chuxiang Jingjie (Fuzhou , 1637).” History of Religions (May 2011): 329-361.

Shin, Ik-cheol. “The Experiences of Visiting Catholic Churches in Beijing and the Recognition of Western Learning Reflected in the Journals of Travel to Beijing,” Review of Korean Studies 9-4 (Dec. 2006): 11-31.

Torrey, Deberniere Janet. “Separating From The Confucian World: The Shift Away From Syncretism In Early Korean Catholic Texts,” Acta Koreana (June 2012): 127-145.

Walsh, James A. Observations in the Orient the account of a journey to Catholic mission fields in Japan, Korea, Manchuria, China, Indo-China, and the Philippines. New York: Catholic M. S. of America.

Wiseman, Nicholas Patrick.The New Glories of the Catholic Church. London: Richardson, 1859.

The Catholic Church in Korea. Hong Kong: S. des m-e, 1924.