Pictures and Maps
Good sources of images of Korea and Korean Christianity
0 USC International Mission Photography Archives:
0 Pinterest. com Korea 1 2
0 ANU Media Images:
The Sinto Shrine, South Mount, Seoul, 1928
The colonization of Korean people’s spirituality

The Korea War and Christianity
0 AFAK (Armed Forces Assistance to Korea) a video
0 Koje Island POW Camp and Evangelism, 1951-53 (2013 is the 60th anniversary of the truce)

Harold Voelkel, 1952

Pictorial History of the KW, 1954 Chung Yeun-Hee, 2009

♦ Some stories on the Korea War: Novels and Films
Ha Jin, War Trash, 2004
Pae Changho, 흑수선 (Black Narcissus; Last Confession), 2001.
Son Youngmok, 거제도 (Koje Isalnd), 2008.
Chang-rae Lee, The Surrendered. 2010; 생존자 (Korean transaltion, 2013) criticism
Initial Overseas Missions, 1907-1913

Korean missionaries to Shandong, China, September 1913
sent by the first organized (1912) General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Korea

Missionary to Cheju Island from 1907
Bible Translation, 1900-1910

문경호, 김명준, 정동명, Reynolds, Underwood, Gale, Jones
1904 Board of Translators of the NT

김정삼, 김명준, 이창직, Reynolds, Underwood, Gale

김정삼, 이승두, Reynolds

Taegu Mission Buidlings
Historic Architecture of Taegu, Marmot Hole, April 23, 2008

Medical Mission Museum, Tongsan Hospital, Taegu
Rev. Victor Willington Peters

“Korean Women under the Feet of Crucified Jesus,”1940

Fifth Anniversary of Korean Christmas Seals, 1937
* Missionary cemetries
1. Kwangju, Presbyterian Church in US
2. Ch’ongju, Presbyterian Church in USA
♦ Old maps of Korea
♦Early Protestant Missionary Photos, Yanghwajin Foreigners and Missionaries Cemetery
♦ Appenzeller and Noble Families Album Series. at Paejae University
pictures at Paejae School HIstory Museum
♣ Sorae Church, 1898
1 Mr. & Mrs.Underwood’s Trip 2 Church 3 Church 4 Sô Kyôngjo family 5 Kim’s family 6 Church 7 Male members
♣ Central Presbyterian Church, Pyongyang, 장대현교회 1899-1909
♣ Mission Fields, Presbyterian Church, USA, 1900
♣1911 World atlas of Christian Missions
♦ 1919 The March first Movement:
* Comity (Territorial Division among the Presbyterian and Methodist Missions in Korea)
1915 Territory of Methodist E. C, South Comity among Six Missions
♦ USC Mission Photography: Korea, 1920s-30s
♣ Mission Schools in Korea:
* Paejae School: Museum
♦ Pictures of Korea during the Japanese colonial period at 東北芸術工科大学 東北文化研究
♦1954-1967 Seoul, Ch’onggyech’on Slum
♦ North Korean Atlas 조선지도첩, Pyongyang: 1997
♥ Contemporary Churches in Korea

Robert Keohler’s Photo stream: Korean War Churches; Methodists and Anglican Churches in Kwanghwa Island
Anglican Church in Seoul: Adish
Tudong Church (L-shaped), Iksan, N. Cholla
금산교회 Kumsan Church, Kimje, N. Cholla more
장석교회 Changseik Presbyterian Church, Seoul