1. Index a& Lists
* A List of Periodicals, related to Korean Christianity, 1880-1940 ♥
* Missionary Periodicals Database (matching 580) by Yale Divinity School Library
* Articles on Korea in The Missionary Review of the World, 1882-1939
* Index to the Papers in the Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch.
o Guthrie, Anna L. Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literature, 1905-1909. Minneapolis, H. W. Willis, 1910.
o Ernest C. Richardson. Periodical Articles on Religions, 1890-1899. New York: Scribners, 1911.
2. Magazines (the whole issues)
American Missionary, 1878-1901 (New York: Congregational Church)
Assembly Herald (Philadelphia: PCUSA): 1899, 1900, 1903, 1904, 1906, 1907, 1912
Bible and Korea 성서조선 (Seoul: Non-Church), 1927-1942
Bible Society Record (New York: ABS): 1899, 1903, 1908-09,
Bibliotheca Sacra Vols. 41-50 (1884-1893
Chautauqua (NY): 1904-05, 1905-06
China’s Millions, 1884-86
Chinese Repository, 1832-51
China Review. 1872-1901
Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal (Shanghai):1860-1922 ., 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908
Chinese Repository, 1834-1851.
Christian Workers Monthly, 1910-20. 1918, 1919
Church at Home and Abroad (PCUSA): 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890,1891,1892,1893,1894, 1895, 1895, 1896, 1896, 1897, 1897, 1898 * check more volumes in these websites.
Far East (by the Irish National Mission to China): 1918-1949
Gospel in All Lands (New York: MEC):1880-1902, 1882, 1886-87, 1899-1901, 1896, 1900, 1903
Heathen Woman’s Friend (by WFMS of MEC): 1876-96, 1886, July 1889-June 1890, 1895
International Review of Missions: 1917, 1922
Korea Magazine (Seoul: 1917-1919): 1917-April 1919
Korea Mission Field (Seoul: 1905-1943): 1905-1923 1908 1919
Korean Repository (Seoul: Korea Mission, MEC): 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1898 whole series, RASKB
Korea Review (Seoul: H. B. Hulbert): 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905 RASKB 1906
Kyonghyang Chapchi 경향잡지, 1906-1945
Methodist Review: 1841-1898 (selections)
Mission Field (London: SPG): 1890 (vol. 35) – 1930
Missionary (Nashville: PCUS): 1890
Missionary Review of the World (New York): 1882-1922 (fully digitalized), 1923-1939(limited: search only) 1882-1891, 1898, 1904, 1912, 1915, 1917, 1918, 1920, 1921, 1922,
Moody Bible Institute Monthly, 1920-38.
North American Students (New York: SVM). VI-1. October 1917-September 1918.
Presbyterian Survey (New York: PCUSA), 1911-22
Transactions of the Korea Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (Seoul):1902. 1912, 1914,1916 (III-1), 1917, 1918
Woman’s Work for Women (New York: PCUSA) 1901, 1920
Women and Missions, 1922-24
** Japanese Christian Periodicals
Shichiichi zappō 七一雜報. 1876-1883
Joshi seinenkai 女子靑年界, 1914-1922
3. Articles
Walton Grinnell, “Journey through Eastern Mantchooria and Korea,” Journal of the American Geographical Society of New York 3 (January 1, 1872): 283-299
John Ross, “The Korean Language,” China Review 6 (1878): 395-403.
John McIntyre, “Notes on the Corean Language,” China Review 7 (1878): 149-156; 230-234.
John McIntyre, “Notes on the Corean Language,” China Review 9 (1879): 28-33, 89-95, 219-223.
John Ross, “The Corean Version of the New Testament: How I came to make it,” United Presbyterian Magazine (May 1883): 206-209.
Appenzeller, H. G. & Scranton W. B. “Our Mission in Korea,” Gospel in All Lands (July 1885): 328.
“Our Foreign Missionary Work,” Methodist Review (New York: Jan. 1885): 140.
W. R. Charles, “Recent Journey to Korea,” Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society and Monthly Record of Geography, 8:5 (May 1886): 289-312.
Loomis, H. “Missions: KOREA.” Independent (New York: Aug. 1887): 14.
Howard, Meta. “The W. F. M. Hospital in Seoul,” Heathen Woman’s Friend 21-7(January 1890): 173-174.
Ross, John. “The Christian Dawn in Korea,” MRW (April 1890): 241-248.
Rothweiler, I. C. “Korean Shops,” Heathen Woman’s Friend 21(April 1890): 245-246.
Gifford, Daniel L. “Ancestral Worship as Practiced in Korea.” Korean Repository I (June, 1892): 169-176.
Moffett, S. A. “Suggestions on Travelling in Korea,” Korean Repository (November 1892): 325-330.
Moffett, Samuel A. “Practical Confucianism and Practical Christianity in Korea,” MRW (Aug. 1894): 595-596.
Vinton, C. C. “Obstacle to Missionary Success in Korea,” MRW (1894): 837-841.
Avison, O.R. “Cholera in Seoul.” Korean Repository II (September 1895): 339-344.
Griffis, Wm. Elliot. “Korea and the Koreans: In the Mirror of Their Language and History.” Journal of the American Geographical Society of New York, Vol. 27, No. 1 (1895): 1-20.
Scranton, Mary F. “A Social Advance,” Heathen Woman’s Friend (Sept. 1895): 65.
Vinton, C. C. “Literary Department,” Korean Repository 3 (Jan. 1896): 38-39.
Avison, O.R. “Disease in Korea.” Korean Repository IV (March 1897): 90-94; (June 1897): 207-211.
Appenzller, H. G. and Jones, G. H. [Editors] “Christian Missions and Social Progress,” Korean Repository 5 (February 1898): 64-69.
Homer B. Hulbert. “The Enfranchisement of Korea,” North American Review. 166: 499 (Jun. 1898): 708-715.
Landis, E.B. “Geomancy in Korea,” Korean Repository V (February 1898): 41-46.
Ross, John. “Missionary Methods,” Chinese Record 29 (May, 1898): 247.
Hulbert, Homer B. “Korea and the Koreans,” Forum (April 1899): 217-222.
Underwood, Horace G. “An Object Lesson in Self-Support,” Chinese Recorder (August 1900): 384-392; (September 1900): 446-454. (Its Korean translation by Oak)
Speer, Robert E. “The Abandonment of the Missions in China,” Homiletic Review (March 1901): 210-215.
Avison, O. R. “Severance Memorial Hospital, Seoul, Korea,” Assembly Herald, 513-516.
Paske, J. “The Corean School System,” East of Asia Magazine II (1903): 24-30.
W. B. Scranton, “Reminiscences of the Reverend H. G. Appenzeller” Korea Methodist 1-1 (Nov. 10, 1904): 1-2.
Brown, Arthur J. “A Reading Journey in Korea,” Chautauquan (Aug. 1905): 481-578.
Frey, Lulu. “Mrs. M. F. Scranton,” Korea Methodist (March 10, 1905): 1-2.
Moffett, Samuel A. “Policy and Methods for the Evangelization of Korea,” Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal 37 (May, 1906): 235-248.
“Elder Kil and Revivals in Korea,” MRW (July 1907):
“The Fifth General Convention of the YMCA of China and Korea,” Chinese Record (June 1907): 351-353.
Mimi Scharffernberg, “Why Seventh-Day Adventists Came to Korea,” Korea Mission Field 5 (Sept. 1909): 157-158.
G. Heber Jones, “Some Aspects of Reform in Korea,” Journal of Race Development. 1:1 (July 1910): 18-35.
Ladd, George T. “Economic and Social Change in Korea,” Journal of Race Development 1 (July 1910): 248-253.
Reynolds, William D. “How We Translated the Bible into Korean,” Union Seminary Magazine 22 (1910-11), 292-303.
Brown, Arthur J. “High Church Anglicans and American Presbyterians in Shantung University,” Constructive Quarterly (1913): 777-794.
Pieters, Albertus. “The Conspiracy Case,” Independent (Feb. 1913): 463-467.
Kim Ch’angje, “基督의 人生觀으로 觀察한 三種의 人類 1″ [Three Kinds of Humanity from the Christian Perspective of Life]. (Nov. 1914) 2nd article.
Editor, “Genesis of the Oriental Missionary Society,” Korea Mission Field 10 (Feb., 1914): 44-45.
Koons, E.W. “Aforestation in Korea,” Transactions of the Korea Branch of the RAS VI-Part I (1915): 35-42.
“Korean Edict Against Christianity in 1839,” Korea Magazine (November 1917): 488-495.
Brown, A. J. “Japanese Nationalism and Mission Education in Chosen” International Missionary Review 6 (1918): 74-98.
Avison, O. R. “Korea in Nineteen Twenty,” Woman’s Work (March 1920): 57-59.
Best, Margaret. “Missionary as Evangelist,” Woman’s Work (Feb. 1920): 26-29.
Grisword, H. D. “The Korean Crisis,” Woman’s Work (Feb. 1920): 25-27.
Latham, Keith K. “Our Oriental Christians in California,” Woman’s Work (July 1920): 160-162.
McCurdy, Lucy P. “A Search for Young Korea,” Woman’s Work (Feb. 1920): 36-37.
이광수 Yi Kwangsu, “민족개조론” [Reconstruction of the Korean Nation]. 개벽 [Kaebyôk], May 1922.
Gale, J. S. “A Shipwreck (Korean) in 1636 A.D.,” Transactions of the Korea Branch of the RAS XV (1924): 1-22.
Van Buskirk, J. D. “Some Common Korean Foods.”Transactions of the Korea Branch of the RAS XIV (1923): 1-8.
Yu Kaggyông, “朝鮮女性의 萬丈氣陷: 世界女子節制會席上” [An Address at the International Women’s Temperance Convention, held in Washington DC, in 1937]. (Nov. 1937): 103-104.
Chung, Kei won and George F. Hourani. “Arab Geographers on Korea,” Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 58, No. 4 (Dec. 1938): 658-661.
Junkin, William M. “The Tong Hak.” Korean Repository II (February 1895): 56-61.
Woman’s Work for Women in Korea,” Missionary Review of the World (July 1905): 491-500.
Canham, Erwin D. “Korea Between Two Worlds,” Rotarian (June 1947): 14-16.