Films & Videos / DVDs
그 사람 그 사랑 그 세상(2014): 손양원 Sohn Yangwon
한경직Han Kyongjik. Directed by Cheon Jeonghun, Mountain Oictures, 86 minutes
소명 4 하늘의 별 Calling 4: A Star in Heaven. directed by Shin Hyunwon (Seoul: SHW production). 75 min. documentary. Topic: Mission. Missionary Cho Taewan in the Philippines.
오늘 Today: Reason to Live. directed by Chonghyang Lee 이정향 (Seoul: Ios Entertainement). 119 min. drama. English subtitle. Topic: Forgiveness.
무산일기 Journal of a Refugee from Musan. directed by Chungbeom Park 박정범 (Seoul: Cine 21). 128 min. documentary. English subtitle. Topic: NK refugees.
량강도 아이들 Children in Ryanggang Island in North Korea. directed by Sunghun Kim and Sungsan Chung (Seoul: Ios Entertainment). 96 minutes. comic. English subtitle. Topic: North Korea.
소명 3 히말라야의 슈바이처 Calling 3: Schweitzer in Himalaya. directed by Shin Hyunwon (Seoul: SHW Prodcution). 80 min. documentary. Topic: Mission. Medical doctor Kang Wonhee’ story.ÂÂÂÂ
울지마 톤즈 Don’t Cry Tons: Priest and Medical Missionary Kim Taeseok’s Life Story in Sudan (Seoul: DS Media). 91 min. documentary. English subtitle. Topic: Mission.
맨발의 꿈 Dream of the Barefooted Soccer Boys in East Timore, directed by Kim, Taegyun. (Seoul: KD Media). 121 minutes. documentary. English subtitle. Topic: Mission.
소명 2 모겐족의 월드컵 Calling 2: World Cup of the Mogen Tribe. Directed by Shin Hyunwon (Seoul: SHW Production). 92 min. documentary. Topic: Mission. Sport missionary kang Sungmin’s story.
용서 Forgivenss. Directed by Kim Chongcheol (Seoul: ). 90 min. documentrary. English subtitle. Topic: Forgiveness, Palestinian Christians.
크로싱: 잔인한 엇갈림 The Crossing. directed by Kim Taegyun (Seoul: PreGM). 186 minutes. Topic: North Korean Refugees.
소명 Calling (Seoul: Shin Hyonwon Production). Topic: Mission in Latin America. Missionary Kang Myonggwan.
회상 Memory (Seoul: CTS Christian TV). 53 min. English subtitle. Topic:100 year History of the Revival of the Protestant Church in Korea.
The triumphs and tragedies of two generations of husband-wife missionary doctor teams in the “Land of the Morning Calm” (1890~1940).
AFAK (Armed Forces Assistance to Korea) a video
2009 DVD publication of a 1925 b/w documentary film by Father Norbert Weber (1870-1956) of the German Benedictines. 고요한 아침의 나라에서 / Im Lande der Morgenstille