Academic Journal Articles (in English) * 한글 논문 목록은 하단에 있음 (2020-)

Sascha O. Becker and Cheongyeon Won, “Jesus Speaks Korean: Christianity and Literacy in Colonial Korea,” Econpapers (Jan. 2021): 1-24.
Paul Cha, “To Capture Minds and Wills”: Establishing Christian Radio Broadcasting in Cold War South Korea,” Korea Journal 60: 4 (Dec. 2020): 143-168.
Elizabeth Underwood. “Korean Sovereignty, Liberal Democratic Society, and the Underwoods, 1916–1951,” Korea Journal 60:4 (Dec. 2020): 86-114.
Kun-woo Kim. “Protestantism and the Design of South Korea,” Korea Journal 60:4 (Dec. 2020): 30-57.
Byun Chang-Uk. “The Influence of Roman Catholic Mission on Comity Agreements: Development of Territorial Division in Christian Mission History,” 장신논단 52: 4 (Nov. 2020): 159-186.
Hansang A. Kim. “Critique of the Theory of Nature (xing) and Principle (li) in the Philosophy of Zhu Xi: Matteo Ricci and Chŏng Yagyong,” Acta Koreana 23:1 (June 2020): 23-44.
Andrew Eungi Kim, “‘Ecclesiastical Social Responsibility’: A Reappraisal of the Role of Religion in Light of Liberation Theology,” Asian Journal of Religion and Society 8:1 (Jan. 2020): 23-44.
Halla Kim. “Tasŏk Yu Yŏngmo on God as Nothingness,” Acta Koreana 22:2 (Dec. 2019): 267-285.
Don Baker. “The Korean Dilemma: Assuming Perfectibility but Recognizing Moral Frailty,” Acta Koreana 22:2 (Dec. 2019): 287-304.
Kim Sunghee.” The Prosody of Working and the Narrative of Martyrdom: Daily Life and Death in North Korean Literature during the Great Famine and the Early Military-First Age (1994–2002),” Acta Koreana (Dec. 2019): 349-368.
Kim Minho. “One from the East, One from the West: The Uneasy Encounters between Hong Tae-yong and Augustin Hallerstein in Mid-Eighteenth Century Beijing,” Acta Koreana 20:2 (Dec. 2019): 501-528.
David W. Kim and Won-il Bang, “Guwonpa, WMSCOG, and Shincheonji: Three Dynamic Grassroots Groups in Contemporary Korean Christian NRM History,” Religions 10:3 (March 2019): 1-18.
Sung Deuk Oak. “Discourses on the Declines of Protestantism in Colonial Korea, 1910-1934,” Theological Forum 94 (Dec. 2018): 171-209.
Michael Kim. “The Trouble with Christian Publishing: Yun Ch’iho (1865–1945) and the Complexities of Cultural Nationalism in Colonial Korea,” Journal of Korean Religions 9:2 (Oct. 2018): 139-172.
Helen Jin Kim. “Campus Crusade “Explosions”: Conversions and Conservatism from the US Bible Belt to Cold War South Korea, 1972–1974,” Journal of Korean Religions 9:1 (April 2018): 11-41.
Heather Mellquist Lehto. “Screen Christianity: Video Sermons in the Creation of Transnational Korean Churches,” Acta Koreana 20:2 (Dec. 2017): 395-421.
Shalon Park. “The Politics of Impeaching Shamanism: Regulating Religions in the Korean Public Sphere.” Journal of Church and State (2017).
Frederick J. Glover. “Friends, Foes and Partners: The Relationship between the Canadian Missionaries and Korean Christians in North-eastern Korea and Manchuria from 1898 until 1927,” Studies in World Christianity (Dec. 2017): 194-217.
Sungmin Lee, “A History of Religious Broadcasting in Korea from a Religious Politics Standpoint: Focusing on the Period of a Protestant Broadcasting Monopoly,” Journal of Korean Religions, 8:2 (October 2017): 11-31.
Minjung Noh, “The Role of Newspapers in the Early Korean Protestant Community: An Analysis of The Korean Christian Advocate and The Christian News,” Journal of Korean Religions 8:2 (October 2017): 33-60.
Choi, Hyaeweol, “Claiming Their Own Space: Australian Women Missionaries in Korea, 1891–1900,” Journal Australian Historical Studies (July 2017): 416-432.
Donald L. Baker.” Between Heaven and Earth: Tasan Chŏng Yagyong’s Understanding of Human Nature,” Acta Koreana 20:1 (June. 2017): 73-90.
Josephine Nock-Hee Park. “A Strange Form of Love”: The Global Asian American Subject in Richard E. Kim’s The Martyred.” Verge: Studies in Global Asias, Vol. 3, No. 1 (Spring 2017): 213-231.
Joseph Yi et. als., “Evangelical Christian Discourse in South Korea on the LGBT: the Politics of Cross-Border Learning” Society 54.1 (New York: Feb 2017): 29-33.
Steve Sang-Cheol Moon 문상철. “Missions from Korea 2017: The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Missions.” International Bulletin of Mission Research (February 2017): 121-127.
Robert Shaffer, “The Christian Century: Protestants Protesting Harry Truman’s Cold War,” Peace & Change (Jan. 2017): 93–127.
Sun Wook Kim 김선욱. “Evaluating the Revival Experience of Korean Missionary Robert A. Hardie (1865–1949) in View of Jonathan Edwards’ Religious Affections,” Expository Times (Nov. 2016): 427-440.
Michael Kim. “The Politics of Officially Recognizing Religions and the Expansion of Urban ‘‘Social Work’’ in Colonial Korea,” Journal of Korean Religions (Oct. 2016): 69-98.
Kendall, Laurel. “So Close to the Canon, but . . . : Of Franz Boas, C. C. Vinton, and Some Korean Things,” Journal of Korean Studies (Fall 2016): 423-438.
Seung Min Hong, “Toward Korean Contextualization: An Evangelical Perspective,” International Bulletin of Missionary Research (October 2016): 18-28.
Seung Min Hong 홍승민. “Punching Korean Protestantism: Challenging from within through a Televised Theological Roundtable,” Journal of Korean Religions (Oct. 2016): 99-121.
Jin-Heon Jung 정진헌. “The Religious-Political Aspirations of North Korean Migrants and Protestant Churches in Seoul,” Journal of Korean Religions (Oct. 2016): 123-148.
Halla Kim 김한라. “Ham Sŏkhŏn and the Rise of the Dynamistic Philosophy of History in Korea,” Journal of Korean Religions (Oct. 2016): 149-178.
Seung Min Hong 홍승민. “Toward Korean Contextualization: An Evangelical Perspective,” International Bulletin of Mission Research (October 2016): 18-28.
Neuhaus, Dolf-Alexander. “Assimilating Korea: Japanese Protestants,“East Asian Christianity” and the education of Koreans in Japan, 1905–1920.” Paedagogica Historica 52.6 (2016): 614-628
Franklin Rausch. “Colonialism and Catholicism in Asia: A Comparison of the Relationship between An Chunggŭn, José Rizal, and the Catholic Church,” Kyohoesa yŏn’gu (June 2016): 99-146.
Franklin Rausch. “Suffering History: Comparative Christian Theodicy in Korea,” Acta Koreana (June 2016): 69-97.
Lee Siwoo. “Blurring Boundaries: Mixed Residence, Extraterritoriality, and Citizenship in Seoul, 1876–1910.” Journal of Korean Studies (Spring 2016): 71-100.
Steve Sang-Cheol Moon 문상철. “Missions from Korea 2016: Sustainability and Revitalization,” International Bulletin of Mission Research (March 2016): 181-185.
Kirsteen Kim. “Korean Discourse on mission: The spiritual vision for the nation of Rev. Kyung-Chik Han,” Missiology (Dec. 2015): 33-49.
Andrew Hall. “First Steps towards Assimilation: Japanese-Run Education in Korea, 1905-1910,” Acta Koreana18.2 (Dec. 2015): 357-391.
Andrew J. Finch. “The ‘blood of the martyrs’ and the growth of Catholicism in late Chosŏn Korea,” Historical Research (Nov. 2015): 674–692.
Yonghan Chung. “A Postcolonial Reading of the Great Commission (Matt 28:16–20) with a Korean Myth.” Theology Today (Oct. 2015): 276-288.
Gwisook Gwon 권귀숙. “Reframing Christianity on Cheju during the Korean War,” Journal of Korean Religions (Oct. 2015).
Franklin Rausch. “All Man, All Priest”: Father Emil Kapaun, Religion, Masculinity, and the Korean War,” Journal of Korean Religions (Oct. 2015).
Wonsuk Ma 마원석. ‘Life’ in Theological Education and Missional Formation: A Reflection for a New Christian Era.” Transformation (Sept. 2015): 1-15.
Nicholas Harkness.“Voicing Christian aspiration: The semiotic anthropology of voice in Seoul,” Ethnography 16 (Sept. 2015): 313-330.
Andrew J. Finch. “French Catholic Spirituality and the Nineteenth-century Korean Church,” Journal of Korean Religions (April 2015): 225-256.
Nicholas Harkness. “Basic Kinship Terms: Christian Relations, Chronotopic Formulations, and a Korean Confrontation of Language,” Anthropological Quarterly 88 (Spring 2015): 305-336.
Elizabeth Underwood. “Enlisting the Family in Missions to Korea,” Studies in World Christianity 21:1 (April 2015): 38-51.
Erica Vogel, “Predestined Migrations: Undocumented Peruvians in South Korean Churches,” City & Society (Dec. 2014): 331–351.
Bu, Nam Chul 부남철 & Chi Young-hae 지영해, “The Christian and Buddhist Environmental Movements in Contemporary Korea:,” Korea Journal 54-4 (Winter 2014): 52-79.
Chung, Byung Joon 정병준. “A Reflection on the Growth and Decline of the Korean Protestant Church,” International Review Mission 103-2 (November 2014): 313-333.
Jai Kwan Jung and Chad Rector, “Pathways of National Reunification in Germany, Yemen and Korea,” Pacific Focus (Aug. 2014): 211–236.
James H Grayson. “Korean Apocalyptic Visions and Biblical Imagery,” Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 31 (July 2014): 220-231.
Cho Kyuhoon 조규훈. “Another Christian right? The politicization of Korean Protestantism in contemporary global society,” Social Compass 61: 3 (July 2014): 310–327.
Cho, Min-Ah 조민아. “Stirring up Deep Waters: Korean Feminist Theologies Today,” Theology Today, 71: 2 (June 2014): 233-245.
Kwon, Jink-wan 권진관. “Minjung Theology as a Counter Theology: Suh Namdong’s Case,” Madang (June 2014): 29-50.
Park, Jin Y. “Wŏn Buddhism, Christianity, and Interreligious Dialogue,” Journal of Korean Religions (April 2014): 109-131.
Albert Park. “Reclaiming the Rural: Modern Danish Cooperative Living in Colonial Korea, 1925-37,” Journal of Korean Studies Vol. 19, No. 1 (spring 2014): 115-151.
Klaus Dittrich. “The Beginnings of Modern Education in Korea, 1883–1910,” Paedagogica Historica 50-3 (March 2014): 265-284
Maliangkay, Roald. “There Is No Amen in Shaman: Traditional Music Preservation and Christianity in South Korea.” Asian Music 45 -1 (WIN-SPR 2014): 77-97.
Yang, Guen-Seok 양근석, “Anglican Church in Korea,” in Ian S. Markham et. als. eds., The Wiley-Blackwell Companion To The Anglican Communion (2013): 289–299.
Min Suc Kee 기민석. “Ha-na-nim: A Korean Divine Name Taken Over for the Israelite God.” Bible Translator (December 2013): 332-341.
Park, Yunjae 박윤재. “The Work of Sherwood Hall and the Haiju Tuberculosis Sanatorium in Colonial Korea.” Korean Journal of Medical History 22-3(Dec. 2013): 681-712.
Lee, Hoo Jung 이후정. “A History of Theological Thought in the Korean Church.” Korean Journal of Christian Studies 88 (2013).
Lee, Chung Soon 이정순. “Two Models of Christian-Confucian Dialogue in Korea -Toward An Indigenized Korean Theology.” Korean Journal of Christian Studies 88 (2013).
Chow, Alexander. “The East Asian Rediscovery of ‘Sin’.” Studies in World Christianity 19:2 (2013): 126-140.
Mikyoung Kim 김미경, “North Korean Refugees’ Nostalgia: The Border People’s Narratives,” Asian Politics & Policy (Oct. 2013): 523–542.
Rausch,Franklin D.“The Jesuits in Korea: Influence without Presence.” World History Connected 10-3 (October 2013).
Kim Heung Soo김흥수. “Approaches to the Historiography of Asian Christianity.” Asian Christian Review 7:1 (Summer 2013): 28-39.
Kim Sung-Gun 김성건. “Korean Pentecostal Christianity: Reasons for Success and Challenges for Future Research,” Bulletin 37 (Nagoya: Nanzan Institute or Religion & Culture, 2013): 27-34.
Han, Sang Min 한상민. “Han as the Eschatological Pathos for Yearning the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit: Han and Korean Pentecostal Reality,” Korean Journal of Christian Studies 87 (2013).
Wells, Kenneth. “The Impact of 1945 on a North Korean Family: An Experiment of Historical Understanding,” Korean Histories 3.2 (June 2013): 48-59.
Byungohk Lee 이병옥, “A Missional Hermeneutic of the Other: A Dialogue between Levinas and Confucianism,” Missiology (June 2013): 416-426.
Hong, In Sik 홍인식. “God of Life, Lead Us to Justice and Peace: Reflection from an Asian and Korean Church Perspective.” International Review of Mission (April 2013): 56-68.
Franklin Rausch. “The Bishop’s Dilemma: Gustave Mutel and the Catholic Church in Korea, 1890–1910,” Journal of Korean Religions (April 2013): 43-69.
Groody, Daniel G. “A God of Life, a Civilization of Love: Justice, Mission, and Catholic Social Teaching,” International Review of Mission (April 2013): 17-29.
Baker, Donald. “The Transformation of the Catholic Church in Korea: From a Missionary Church to an Indigenous Church.” Journal of Korean Religions 4-1 (Spring 2013): 11-42.
Kim. Sean C. 김종범. “Via Media in the Land of Morning Calm: The Anglican Church in Korea.” Journal of Korean Religions 4-1 (Spring 2013): 71-98.
Strwan, Lee-Ellen. “Protestant Bible Education for Women: First Steps in Professional Education for Modern Korean Women.” Journal of Korean Religions 4-1 (Spring 2013): 99-122.
Lee, Timothy S. 이상훈. “‘‘Japan and Korea for Christ and His Church’’: The Unexpected Success and Demise of the Yotsuya/William D. Cunningham Mission, a Mission of the Stone-Campbell Movement.” J. of Korean Religions 4-1 (Spring 2013): 123-138.
Torrey, Deberniere . “Yesuwŏn: An Ongoing Experiment in the Kangwŏndo Wilderness.” Journal of Korean Religions 4-1 (Spring 2013): 139-168.
Underwood, Elizabeth. “Contested Heritage: The ‘‘Yanghwajin Controversy’’ and Korean Protestantism.” Journal of Korean Religions 4-1 (Spring 2013): 169-188.
Rausch, Franklin. “Visions of Violence, Dreams of Peace: Religion, Race, and Nation in An Chunggŭn’s A Treatise on Peace in the East,” Acta Koreana (Dec. 2012): 263-291.
Jean-Paul Baldacchino. “Markets of Piety and Pious Markets: the Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Korean Capitalism.” Social Compass (Sept. 2012): 367-385.
Nicholas Harkness, “Encore!: Homecoming Recitals in Christian South Korea,” Journal of Korean Studies 17-2 (Fall 2012): 351-381.
Oak, Sung-Deuk 옥성득. “Competing Chinese Names for God: The Chinese Term Question and Its Influence upon Korea,” Journal of Korean Religions 3-2 (Oct. 2012): 1-27.
Oak Sung-Deuk 옥성득. “Major Protestant Revivals in Korea, 1903-1935,” Studies of World Christianity 18.3 (Oct. 2012): 269–290.
Jean-Paul Baldacchino. “Markets of piety and pious markets: the Protestant ethic and the spirit of Korean Capitalism,” Social Compass, 59:3: (Sept. 2012): 367-385.
Kim Sung-Gun 김성건. “The Heavenly Touch Ministry’ in the Age of Millennial Capitalism: A Phenomenological Perspective,” Nova Religio 15:3 (2012): 51-64.
Kim, Jin-ho 김진호. “The Political Empowerment of Korean Protestantism since around 1990,” Korea Journal 52-3 (Autumn 2012): 64-90.
Park Moon-Su 박문수. “Urgent Issues Facing Modern Korean Catholicism and Their Subtext,” Korea Journal 52-3 (Autumn 2012): 91-118.
Cawley, Kevin N. “Deconstructing Hegemony: Catholic Texts in Chosŏn’s Neo-Confucian Context,” Acta Koreana (June 2012): 15-42.
Rausch, Franklin. “Like Birds And Beasts: Justifying Violence against Catholics in Late Chosŏn Korea,” Acta Koreana (June 2012): 43-71.
Roux, Pierre-Emmanuel. “The Great Ming Code and the Repression of Catholics in Chosŏn Korea,” Acta Koreana (June 2012): 73-106.
Choi, Seon-Hye 최선혜. “The Holy Mother and the Son of God: A Stone Cast at Patriarchal Society in Late Chosŏn Korea,” Acta Koreana (June 2012): 107-126.
Torrey, Deberniere Janet. “Separating from fhe Confucian World: The Shift away from Syncretism in Early Korean Catholic Texts,” Acta Koreana (June 2012): 127-145.
Kim, Robert. “Soon Hyun (Hyŏn Sun) and His Leadership in The Hawaiian Branch of the Korean National Revolutionary Party during World War II,” Acta Koreana (June 2012): 163-199.
Eggert, Marion “‘Western Learning’, Religious Plurality, and the Epistemic Place of ‘Religion’ in Early Modern Korea.” Religion 42-2 (April 2012): 299-318.
Park, Joon-Sik 박준식. “Korean Protestant Christianity: A Missiological Reflection,” IBMR (April 2012): 59-64.
Cha, Paul S. “Unequal Partners, Contested Relations: Protestant Missionaries and Korean Unequal Partners, Contested Relations: Protestant Missionaries and Korean Christians, 1884–1907,” J. of Korean Studies 17.1 (Spring 2012): 5–38.
Kim, Sunghae Simone 김성해. “Rev. Son Yangwon: A Martyr of Love, Pastoral Theology and Care for those who Left Behind,” 한국기독교신학논총 (Spring 2012): 277-294.
Purinton, William T. “The Spoken Word of God: Religious Experience in the Contextualized Pentecostal Theology of David Yonggi Cho,” 한국기독교신학논총 (Spring 2012): 295-308.
Strawn Lee-Ellen Strawn, “Korean Bible Women’s Success: Using the Anbang Network and the Religious Authority of the Mudang,” Journal of Korean Religions 3-1 (April 2012): 117-149.
Jin Woong Kang, “North Korea’s Militant Nationalism and People’s Everyday Lives: Past and Present,” Journal of Historical Sociology (March 2012): 1–30.
Wesley L. Handy. “Correlating the Nevius Method with Church Planting Movements: Early Korean Revivals as a Case Study,” Eleutheria 2:1 Winter (Feb. 2012): 3-23.
Massey, James. “A Theology of Justice, Peace and Life: From the Perspective of Dalit and Minjung,” Madang: International Journal of Contextual Theology 16 (Dec. 2011): 11-34.
Timothy S. Lee, “A Crucial Factor in Evangelicalism’s Success in (South) Korea: Coalescence with Nationalism and Anticommunism,” Religion Compass (Nov. 2011): 646–655.
Yu, K. Kale. “Hawaiian Connectionalism: Methodist Missionaries, Hawaii Mission, and Korean Ethnic Churches.” Methodist History 50-1 (October 2011): 3-15.
Yu, K. Kale. “American Missionaries and the Korean Independence Movement in the Early Twentieth Century.” International Journal of Korean Studies 55:2 (Fall/Winter 2011): 171-186.
T. Kimbrough. “The Siberia-Manchuria Mission of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South (MECS) during the Years 1920–1930: with Particular Interest in the Contributions of Methodism in Korea.” Missiology (Oct. 2011): 429-444.
Grayson, James. H. “Montanism and the “Empire of Mount Sion (시온산 제국 )”: Lessons from the Early Church and the Early Korean Church,” Journal of Korean Religions (Oct. 2011): 83-110.
Hans Schwarz, “The Lutheran Church and Lutheran Theology in Korea,” Dialog (Fall 2011): 289–296.
Kim, Il Mok 김일목. “Assessing the Nexus between Shamanism and Protestantism in South Korea,” Madang: Journal of Contextual Theology 15 (June 2011): 7-20.
Kwon, Jin Kwan 권진관. “The Subjecthood of Minjung in history through Han, Dan, and Event : An Interpretation of Suh Namdong and Ahn Byungmu,” Madang 16 (Dec. 2011): 55-68.
Kang, Won Don 강원돈. “The Priest of Han as a Theme in Christian-Shamanist Interfaith Dialogue,” Madang (Dec. 2011): 69-92.
Park Ro hun 박노훈. “The Emergence and Convergence of Christian Identities: An East Asian Reflection on the Bible, Minjung, and Identities,” Madang (Dec. 2011): 109-134.
Kim, Heung Soo 김흥수. “The Korean War(1950-53) and Christianity: Pro-American Activities of the Christian Churches and the North Korean Reactions,” Madang 16 (Dec. 2011): 135-158.
Hong, Sang Tae 홍상태. “Analysis on Women Leadership in Women House Churches in Comparison to Leadership in Male-centered Mainstream Presbyterian Churches,” Madang (Dec. 2011): 159-180.
Lee, Sang-Hoon 이상훈. “Syngman Rhee’s Vision and Reality: The Establishment of the Nation and Thereafter,” Review of Korean Studies (Autumn 2011): 33-60.
Angella Son, “Assertion and Accommodation as a Paradoxical Dance in Achieving Self-Formation of Korean Women in Evangelical Churches,” Journal of Pastoral Psychology 60:4 (Aug. 2011): 601-607.
Ahn, Kyo-seong 안교성. “The Identity of the Korean Church and its Relationship with the Poor,” Changsin nondan [Korea Presbyterian Journal of Theology] (Oct. 2011): 119-135.
Kim, Sung Gun 김성건. “Korean Christian Zionism: A Sociological Study of Mission,” International Review of Mission (April 2011): 85-95.
Moon, Youngseok. 문영석 “Sociological Implications of the Roman Catholic Conversion Boom in Korea,” Korea Journal (Spring 2011): 143-175.
Shin, Junhyoung Michael. “The Supernatural in the Jesuit Adaptation to Confucianism: Giulio Aleni’s Tianzhu Jiangsheng Chuxiang Jingjie (Fuzhou , 1637),” History of Religions (May 2011): 329-361.
Krämer, Hans Martin. “Beyond the Dark Valley: Reinterpreting Christian Reactions to the 1939 Religious Organizations Law,” Japanese Journal of Religious Studies (2011): 181-221.
Daughrity, Dyron B. “Christianity Is Moving from North to South—So What About the East?” International Bulletin of Missionary Research (Jan. 2011): 18-22.
Schmid, Andre, “Two Americans in Korea: Evaluating An Oriental Empire,” Korean Histories 2.2 (2010): 7-23.
Adams, Daniel J. “Ghosts, Spirits, and Saints: Ancestors and the Catholic Church in Korea.” Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society Korea Branch 85 (2010): 109-130.
Lim, Michelle Sungshin 림성신. “Adversity and Advance: The Experience of the Orthodox Church of Korea,” Studies in World Christianity, v16 n3 (2010): 304-319.
Lee, Sang-Hoon 이상훈. “Nomadism and the Discovery of the Nation: The Case of Yun Chiho,” Review of Korean Studies (Autumn 2010): 51-64.
Ahn, Kyo-seong 안교성. “The Missionary Spirit of the Korean Church,” Presented at the Tokyo 2010 Global Mission Consultation & Celebration.
Choi, Hyaeweol 최혜월. “The Visual Embodiment of Women in the Korea Mission Field,” Korean Studies, 34, no. 1 (2010): 90-126.
Kim, Kirsteen. “Christianity’s Role in the Modernization and Revitalization of Korean Society in the Twentieth-Century” International Journal of Public Theology, 4, no. 2 (2010): 212-236.
Park, Chang-Won 박창원. “Between God and ancestors: ancestral practice in Korean Protestantism.” International journal for the Study of the Christian Church, 10: 4 (2010): 257–273.
Oak, Sung-Deuk 옥성득. “Images of the Cross in Early Modern Korea: The Geomantic Prophecy of the Chŏnggam-nok and the Protestant Flag of the Red Cross,” J0urnal of Korean Religions 1 (Sept. 2010): 117-161.
Oak, Sung-Deuk 옥성득. “Healing and Exorcism: Christian Encounters with Shamanism in Early Modern Korea,” Asian Ethnology (July 2010): 99-135.
Jung, Jae-Hoon 정재훈. “Meeting the World through Eighteenth-century Yŏnhaeng,” Seoul Journal of Korean Studies 23:1 (June 2010): 51-69.
Kim, Sharon. “Shifting Boundaries within Second-Generation Korean American Churches,” Sociology of Religion 71 (Summer 2010): 98-122.
Jo, Angela M. Annette E. Maxwell, Bryan Yang, and Roshan Bastani, “Conducting Health Research in Korean American Churches: Perspectives from Church Leaders,” J. of Community Health 35.2 (April 2010): 156-164.
Park, Yunjae 박윤재. “The 1927 “Emetine Injection Incident” in Colonial Korea and the Intervention of Korean Western-trained Doctors,” Korea Journal (Spring 2010): 160-177.
Grayson, James H. “Idolatry, Ideology and Nationalism: A Korean Millenarian Sect and the State.” Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society Korea Branch 85 (2010): 95-107.
Hwang, Byung Bae 황병배. “The Involvement of Korean Protestant Missionaries in World Mission: Historical Understanding and Mission Strategies for the Future,” 한국신학논총 69 (2010): 185-204.
Oh, Chung Sun 오정선. “A Hermeneutics of Korean Theology of Filial Piety as a Global Theology,” 한국신학논총 69 (2010): 147-163.
Lee, You Jae 이유재. “The Concept of Religion and the Reception of Christianity in Korea around 1900.” Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung 33 (2009): 61-75.
Ryu Sung-Min 류성민. “Coexistence and Conflict between Buddhism and Protestantism in Modern Korea: Concentration in its Geographical Background and Actuality,” Madang 12 (Dec. 2009): 107-120.
Achterberg, Peter, Dick Houtman, Stef Aupers, Willem De Koster, Peter Mascini, and Jeroen Van der Waal. 2009. “A Christian Cancellation of the Secularist Truce? Waning Christian Religiosity and Waxing Religious Deprivatization in the West,” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 48: 687-701.
Hwang, Alexander. “The Silk Letter of Alexander Sayong Hwang: Introduction and Abridged Translation.” Missiology: An International Review 37/2 (2009): 165-179.
Jibum Kim, Yongmo Lee, Jaesok Son and Tom W. Smith. 김지범 이영모 손재석. “Trends of religious identification in Korea: Changes and continuities.” J. for the Scientific Study of Religion 48(4):789–793.
Wells, Kenneth M. “The Failings of Success: The Problem of Religious Meaning in modern Korean Historiography,” Korean Histories 1:1 (Dec. 2009): 60-80.
Han, Gil-Soo 한길수, Han, Joy J, and Kim, Andrew Eungi, “‘Serving Two Masters’: Protestant Churches in Korea and Money,” International J. for the Study of the Christian Church 9.4 (Nov. 2009): 333–360.
Timothy S. Lee 이상훈. “What Should Christians Do about a Shaman-Progenitor?: Evangelicals and Ethnic Nationalism in South Korea” Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture (2009): .
Ryu, Hyun-guk 류형국. “Robert Morrison’s Influence on Translation, Printing, and Publishing in Asia,” Design Discourse IV:2 (Oct. 2009): 1-13.
Grayson, James H. “The Emplantation of Christianity: An Anthropological Examination of the Korean Church,” Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies, 26: 3 (2009): 161-173.
Yoo, Jae Kyong 유재경. “The Quest of Spiritual Practice in Korean Christianity through the Examination of St. John of the Cross and Chinul,” 한국신학논총 63 (2009): 173-196.
Kane, Danielle and Park, June Mee. 박준미. “The Puzzle of Korean Christianity: Geopolitical Networks and Religious Conversion in Early Twentieth-Century East Asia,” American Journal of Sociology 115: 2 (Sept. 2009): 365–404.
Kim, Andrew Eungi 김은기. “Korean Evangelical Women’s Conversion and Institutional Involvement: Negotiating with Religious Patriarchy,” Korea Journal 49:2 (Summer 2009):183-187.
Rausch, Franklin. “Wicked Officials and Virtuous Martyrs: an Analysis of the Martyr Biographies in Alexius Hwang Sayŏng’s Silk Letter,” Kyohoesa yŏn’gu (July 2009): 5-30.
Palmer, Brandon. “American Media Coverage of the Assassination of Durham White Stevens,” Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies (April 2009): 63-77.
Oak, Sung-Deuk 옥성득. “Edinburgh 1910, Fulfillment Theory, and Missionaries in China and Korea,” Journal of Asian and Asian American Theology IX (March 2009): 29-51.
Finch, Andrew. “The Pursuit of Martyrdom in the Catholic Church in Korea before 1866,” Journal of Ecclesiastical History 60.1 (Jan 2009): 95-118.
Kim, Shin K. “An Antiseptic Religion: Discovering A Hybridity on the Flux of Hygiene and Christianity,” Journal of Religion and Health 47 (2008): 253–262.
Kim, Kirsteen. “Korean Christian Theologies of the Holy Spirit: Their Distinctiveness and Their Origins in the Korean Experience,” Acta Koreana 11:3 (Dec. 2008): 87-112.
Rausch, Franklin. “Saving Knowledge: Catholic Educational Policy in the Late Choson Dynasty,” Acta Koreana 11:3 (Dec. 2008): 47-85.
Kim, Chong Bum 김종범. “For God and Home: Women’s Education in Early Korean Protestantism,” Acta Koreana 11:3 (Dec. 2008): 9-28.
Hoi Ok Jeongv 정회옥. “How Do Religions Differ in Their Impact on Individuals’ Social Capital?: The Case of South Korea.” Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly (Oct. 2008); 142-160.
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2020년 학술지에 발간된 힌국 기독교(개신교) 관련 논문 (최근 발행순)
옥성득. “전염병과 초기 한국 개신교, 1885-1919,” 종교문화학보 (2020.12); 1–36.
김지은. “개화기 한국장로교의 학교교육과 민족운동의 상관성 연구,” <신학지남> 87:3 (2020.12): 275–297.
김치완. “環황해권 天主敎敎案으로 본 補儒論的 西學의 의의와 한계,” <역사와 실학> (2020. 11): 237-268.
이준우, “우원(友園) 이호빈(李浩彬) 목사의 신학사상과 통일 복지선교,” <한국기독교신학논총> 118 (2020.10): 489-536.
임희모, “미국 남장로교 의료선교사 오긍선 연구: 1907-1937년의 활동을 중심으로,” <한국기독교신학논총> 118 (2020.10): 363-402.
——. “미국 남장로교 선교사 야곱 패터슨(Jacob Bruce Patterson)의 군산 예수병원 의료사역 연구(1910-1925),” <장신논단> 52:3 (2020.09:: 167-194.
안교성, “제1차 세계대전과 한국개신교: 식민지 전시교회를 중심으로,” <장신논단> 52:3 (2020.09): 33–60.
최상도, “5·18민주화운동과 한국교회: 광주지역 교회의 활동, 연구동향, 향후 연구 과제를 중심으로,” <한국기독교와 역사> 53 (2020.09): 5–50.
이치만, “‘5·18민주화운동과 한국기독교 연구’를 위한 試論 – 사회변동의 상황에서 그리스도인의 역할에 대한 역사해석학,” <한국기독교와 역사> 53 (2020.09): 183-212.
손승호, “5·18민주화운동과 한국기독교교회협의회,” <한국기독교와 역사> 53 (2020. 09): 127-152.
유경남. “사회운동 관점에서 본 광주YMCA: YWCA와 5·18항쟁,” <한국기독교와 역사> 53 (2020.09): 153-182.
김상덕. “5·18민주화운동 40주년, 우리는 무엇을 보았고 보지 못했나: ‘세기의 재판’을 통해 살펴보는 정의와 화해의 과제,” <한국기독교와 역사> 53 (2020.09): 95-125.
고지수, “1980년 5월 광주와 김대중 구명운동, 그리고 자유공조 – 북미주 개신교 네트워크의 활동을 중심으로,” <한국기독교와 역사> 53 (2020. 09): 51-94.
이영미, “한국 관련 기록의 집대성-그리피스(William E. Griffis, 1843~1928)와 『은둔의 나라 한국』-,” <한국학연구> 58 (2020. 08): 41-72.
채병관, “한국 성공회의 유교 아비투스 -서울주교좌성당 사례를 중심으로-,” <종교연구> 80:2 (2020. 08): 63-92.
강인철, “한국 개신교와 보수적 시민운동: 개신교 우파의 극우·혐오정치를 중심으로,” <인문학연구> 33 (2020. 06): 3-30.
이영미, “선교사에서 외교관으로: 알렌(Horace N. Allen, 1858~1932)의 삶과 한국,” <역사민속학> 58 (2020. 06): 241-271.
박영지, “태평양 전쟁기 『아이생활』의 친일 변화 과정에 대한 연구 -기독교 교단과 『아이생활』 편집진의 전향을 중심으로-,” <아동청소년문학연구> 26 (2020. 06): 239- 284.
한강희, “동아시아 오이코스 구축을 위한 한·일 기독교 에큐메니칼 협력의 역사, 쟁점, 전망,” <선교와 신학> 51 (2020. 06): 253-289.
이혜정, “경주성서학원의 초기 역사와 신학교육,” <신학과 목회> 53 (2020. 06): 55– 80.
박성철, “한국교회 내 기독교 파시즘에 대한 비판적 연구,” <한국기독교신학논총> 116 (2020.04): 303-326.
홍승표, “일제하 한국 기독교의 독서운동과 교회도서관의 도입,” <한국기독교신학논총> 116 (2020.04): 227-265.
박용규, “가장 평범한 그러나 가장 비범한 : 루비 켄드릭(Ruby Rachel Kendrick)의 생애와 사역,” <신학지남> 87-1 (2020. 03): 145-194.
이고은, “조선성교서회의 초기 역사(1890-1919) 재고찰,” <한국기독교와 역사> 52 (2020.03): 89-131.
이재근, “대한민국 임시정부와 기독교: 상호관계의 유형과 특징,” <한국기독교와 역사> 52 (2020.03): 5-53.
차현지, “기독교인 장준하의 생애와 자유 · 민권 사상,” <한국기독교와 역사> 52 (2020.03): 133-178.
윤은석, “해방 이후 개신교 학교와 사회적 영향력: 대전 대성학원을 중심으로,” <선교와 신학> 50 (2020. 02): 357-390.
김혜정, “방효원, 방지일 선교사의 동일화 연구: 중국 산동의 선교사역을 중심으로,” <선교와 신학> 50 (2020.02): 159-188.
김기용, “서서평의 사회선교로 본 상황화 선교와 한국교회,” <선교와 신학> 50 (2020.02): 131–158.
박종현, “언더우드의 『찬양가』와 한국 근대 음악,” <신학 논단> 9:1 (2020.02): 50–84.
이숙진, “초기 한국 기독교의 교육 공간과 말하는 주체의 탄생,” <기독교교육 논총> 62 (2020): 227-255.
이혜원 “조선성교서회 초기 간행물에 대한 재 고찰: 1890~1900년을 중심으로,” <한국교회사학회지> 55 (2020): 499-535.
——, “남감리회 조선 초기 선교에 있어서 중국인 여성 사역자들의 역할 – 1897~1905년 마슈전(馬秀珍)과 위츠두(余慈度)를 중심으로,” <한국기독교신학논총> 115 (2020.01): 147–184.
이상웅, “죽산 박형룡의 경건한 생애와 경건 이해,” <한국개혁신학> 65 (2020): 148–184.
안수강, “이홍주(李泓周)의 ‘도덕관’ 분석 – 그의 “良心의 威力”(1922)을 중심으로,” <한국기독교신학논총> 116 (2020.04): 133-160.
———. “유경상(劉敬相) 목사의 ‘正義觀’ 분석–그의 “正義의 力”(1922)을 중심으로,“ <한국기독교신학논총> 115 (2020.01): 91–118.
이인수, “한국 장로교회 성찬 예전의 인식형성 과정과 문제점,” <신학과 실천> 69 (2020): 173–207.
장금현, “프란시스 킨슬러(Francis Kinsler)와 성경구락부(Bible Club) 운동,” <신학과 실천> 68 (2020): 527-553.
전인수, “김교신 일보 연구: 김교신 일보가 살아남은 이유에 대한 역사적 추론,” <한국교회사학회지> 55 (2020): 357-387.
이경희, “대한기독교회(현 기독교한국침례회)의 우태호 사건 재평가,” <한국교회사학회지> 55 (2020): 389–424.
이은선, “강홍모 장로와 전주 영생학원의 설립과 운영의 역사적 의의,” <한국교회사학회지> 55 (2020): 425–460.
김명배, “일기와 선교편지를 통해 본 알렌과 헤론의 갈등에 관한 재 고찰,” <한국교회사학회지> 55 (2020): 461-497.
황홍렬, “3·1운동에 나타난 기독교적 정신과 한국교회의 선교에 대한 함의,” <선교신학> 57 (2020): 358–390.
고훈, “한국기독교사 연구 방법론과 세계 기독교 역사 기록학의 가능성 – 통합적 해석과 다학제적 방법론 부재를 중심으로,” <대학과 선교> 43 (2020): 61–92.
장석흥, “평양 3·1운동의 역사적 원류 – 근대적 민족 동력과 성장을 중심으로,” <한국학논총> 53 (2020)