

Forthcoming in 2025

첫 사건으로 본 초대 한국교회사, 증보판, 새물결플러스, 2025, 600 pages

이야기 초대 한국교회사 3, 1904-1910. 새물결플러스, 2025, 1,200 pages

이야기 초대 한국교회사 2, 1894-1903. 새물결플러스, 2025, 1,100 pages

이야기 초대 한국교회사 1, 1592-1893. 새물결플러스, 2025, 1,100 pages

한국 간호 140년사 1: 해방 이전 역사, 1885-1945 (in Korean) Modern Nursing History in Korea, 1885-1945: A Centenary History of the Korean Nurses Association Vol. 1. Seoul: Korean Nursing Association, 2025.

한국간호역사 자료집 V & VI: 선교사 간호부 영어 자료, 1920-1945 [Sources of Nursing History in Korea. Vols. V & VI: English Sources of Missionary Nurses], 1920-1945. (in English and Korean) Seoul: Korean Nursing Association, 2025.

한국간호역사 자료집 IV, 국한일문 신문잡지 자료, 1920-1945 [Sources of Nursing History in Korea. Vols. IV : Sino-Korean and Japanese Periodicals, 1920-1945] (in Korean and Sino-Korean). Seoul: Korean Nursing Association, 2025.

한국간호역사 화보집 2, 1885-1945 A Pictorial History of Modern Nursing in Korea, Vol. II (in English and Korean). Seoul: Korean Nursing Association, 2025.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Screenshot-2024-01-30-2122252.jpg 한국간호역사 자료집 III, 조선간호부회보 Sources of Nursing History in Korea. Vols. IV: The Bulletin of the Nurses’ Association of Korea, 1925-1935 (in English and Sino-Korean). Seoul: Korean Nurses Association, 2025. 943 pages. B5. Sino-Korean texts are translated into modern Korean. 


This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Screenshot-2024-01-31-001555.jpg 쇠퇴하는 한국교회와 한 역사가의 일기: 2016- 2021 [A Historian’s Diary amidst the Decline of Korean Protestantism, 2016-21]. Seoul: Newwave Plus. April 2021, 439 pages.


This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 1a-1024x705.jpg A Pictorial History Illustrating the First Fifty Years of Work of the Presbyterian Church in Korea, Commemorating the Jubilee Year 1934 『朝鮮예수敎長老會 五十週年 歷史畵譜; 禧年·祝賀·記念』 (First ed. 1935; Reprint first ed., Seoul: Minsokwon, Oct. 2020), Introduced and edited by Sung Deuk Oak. 205 pages + 13 pp.

 대한성서공회사 III, 1945-2000 [The History of the Korean Bible Society, vol. 3, 1945-2000]. Seoul: KBS, May 2020. 560 pages. Book Review by Korean Christianity and History (Sept. 2020): 249-255.

 My long-term research and writing project, six volumes of the history of the Korean Bible Society, started in 1986, are now completed. You can order them from the KBS webpage. Each volume is around $9.00

한국 기독교 형성사: 한국 종교와 개신교의 만남 [The Making of Korean Protestantism: Encounter of Korean Religions with Christianity, 1876-1910], Seoul: Holy Wave, Feb. 2020. 768 pages. / awarded “2020 King Sejong Academic Book in Religion” (with other 13 books) in July 2020; Book of the Year by the Korea Christian Book Association in Dec. 2020; the Best Book in Theology and Ministry by Kungmin Daily in Dec. 2020. / reviewed by Christian Thought 기독교사상 (July 2020)

  Samuel Austin Moffett Papers 마포삼열 자료집. Vol. III (1901-03) &  Vol. IV  (1904-06). 새물결플러스, July-Aug. 2017.

 한국간호역사 자료집 II Sources of Nursing History in Korea. Vol. 2, 1911-1919. Korean Nurses Association, May 2017. (752 pages, B5)
 Samuel A. Moffett Papers 마포삼열 자료집. Vol. I (1864-84) & II (1895-1900). 새물결플러스, Feb. 2017. 756 & 802 pages.
 첫 사건으로 본 초대 한국교회사 [The First 45 Events of the Early Korean Protestant Church]. Seoul: Jitta, October 2016. 408 pages.
  새로 쓰는 초대 한국 교회사 [A New History of Early Korean Protestantism], Seoul: Holy Wave Press, September 2016. 557 pages.


christi 5 옥성득 편역, 목판화로 대조한 그리스도와 적그리스도의 생애 [Passional Christi und Antichristi by Lucas Cranach, P. Melanchton, and Martin Luther, 1521]. (in Germany, English, and Korean), 새물결플러스, 2015. 11.


jones book cover G. Heber Jones, The Rise of The Church in Korea (1917) 한국교회형성사: 한국개신교의 여명, 그 첫 이야기. Edited, transcribed in English, & translated into Korean by Sung-Deuk Oak (Seoul: Hongsungsa, November 2013). 440 pages.  

     * Awarded “2013 Book of the Year by The Books and Culture: A Christian Review. 
     * Awarded “Fifteen Outstanding Books of 2013 for Mission Studies” of the International Bulletin of Missionary Research (April 2014).

  A Pictorial History of Modern Nursing in Korea 한국근대간호역사화보집, 1885-1945. Seoul: Korean Nurses Association, Feb. 2012, with 400 pictures. * YouTube 


miller3.jpg - 195.77 Kb Historical Documents of the Korean Bible Society. Vol. III. Correspondence of Hugh Miller 大韓聖書公會歷史資料集 제3권 영국성서공회 한국지부 2대총무 밀러 서신, 1909-1937. Seoul: Korean Bible Society, December 2011, 780 pages. ISBN 978-89-412-9033-9 03230

oaoa.jpg - 21.48 Kb 
Samuel Austin Moffett Papers 마포삼열서한집. Vol. I 1868-1894. Seoul: Duranno Academy. December 2011, 670 pages.

img170 nh.jpg - 116.58 Kb 
Sources of Nursing History in Korea 한국간호역사자료집, Vol. I. 1886- 1911. Seoul: Korean Nurses Association, October 2011, 857 pages. “Front Matters and Preface” UCLA CSW newsletter 


5 u .jpg - 59.42 Kb The Five-volume series of Underwood Papers is completed. Chosun Ilbo, March 31, 2010

5.jpg - 7.01 Kb Horace Grant Underwood and Lillias Horton Underwood Papers. Vol. V. Seoul: Yonsei University Press, 2010. 747 pages


hanbando.jpg - 36.88 Kb 韓半島大復興 The First Great Revivals: Pictorial History of Korean Protestant Christianity, 1900-The First Great Revivals: Pictorial History of Korean Protestant Christianity, 1900-1910. Seoul: Hongsungsa, 2009. 431 pages, 350 pictures, and photos. Chosun Ilbo, Feb. 13, 2009 제26회 한국기독교출판문화상 목회자료부문 우수상.

untitled-1 copy.jpg - 26.25 Kb Horace Grant Underwood and Lillias Horton Underwood Papers. Vol. IV. Seoul: Yonsei University Press, 2009. 837 pages

revival 1.jpg - 25.32 Kb Primary Sources of the Great Revival Movement in Korea, 1903-1908. by several editors and translators. Seoul: Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary Press, 2007. 574 pages. The English texts were transcribed and edited by Oak.

selected m.jpg - 22.20 Kb Selected Materials of the Korea Mission of the PCUSA, 1886-1950. Seoul: Institute for Korean Church History, 2006. 356 pages.

uu 002.jpg - 1006.02 Kb Horace Grant Underwood and Lillias Horton Underwood Papers. Vol. II. Seoul: Yonsei University Press, June 2006. 747 pages.

uuu 001.jpg - 33.29 Kb Horace Grant Underwood and Lillias Horton Underwood Papers.Vol. I. Seoul: Yonsei University Press, June 2005. 761 pgs. 
kbs 011.jpg - 69.57 Kb Documents of the Korean Bible Society. Vol. 1. Correspondence of John Ross and Correspondence of Henry Loomis, 1880-1911. Seoul: Korean Bible Society, 2004. 701 pgs.

skc 002.jpg - 55.58 Kb Sources of Korean Christianity, 1832-1945. Seoul: Institute for Korean Church History, 2004. 509 pgs.

books 韓國基督敎醫療史 [A History of Christian Medical Mission in Korea, 1884-1945] 이만열 저. Seoul: Acanet. Oak wrote its first draft in 1985-86. 
pughan 北韓敎會史 [History of Christianity in Northern Korea]. Seoul: Institute for Korean Church History. The first two chapters were written by Oak.
img054.jpg - 49.90 Kb 大韓聖書公會史. Vol. II [History of the Korean Bible Society]. 옥성득 외. Seoul: Korean Bible Society, 1994. 737 pgs. 
kbs 1.jpg - 43.32 Kb 大韓聖書公會史. Vol. I [History of the Korean Bible Society]. 옥성득 이만열 공저. Seoul: Korean Bible Society, 1993. 500 pgs. 


appen 이만열 편, 아펜젤러: 한국에 온 첫 선교사 [ Henry Gerhard Appenzeller: Biography and Selected Papers]. Yonsei University Press. Part II, “Selected Papers,” was made by Sung-Deuk Oak.




2024 This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is img137-701x1024.jpg “아펜젤러의 성경 번역, 1885~1902년: 서울 번역, 비평본문 도입, 구약 번역의 선구자—[H. G. Appenzeller’s Bible Translation, 1885-1902: Founder of the Seoul Version, Pioneer of the Critical Text, and Trailblazer of Old Testament Translation], <聖經原文硏究 Journal of Biblical Texts Research> 55 (October 2024): 54-85.

2024 This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is is_598190-1.jpg “미국 남장로회 한국선교의 시작 재구성, 1891-1894년” [Revisiting the Origins of the Korea Mission of the Presbyterian Church in the US, 1891-1894]. <韓國基督敎와 歷史> 61 (October 2024): 81-124.

2024 This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 1885-events.png “1885년에 발생한 사건과 한국 개신교” [Historical Events in 1885 and Korean Protestantism] in 선교의 여명 The Dawn of the Mission to Korea (Seoul: Korean Church Museum, Sept. 2024), 2-25.

2023 This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is img927.jpg1887년 새문안교회 창립일의 재검토 (Re-examination of the Founding Date of the Saemunan Presbyterian Church in 1887). <韓國基督敎와 歷史> 59 (October 2023): 9-40.

2023 This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 9781350333406.jpg “Pyongyang and Protestantism Imaged as Sodom, Jerusalem, and Babylon, 1866-1945,” in Aminta Arrington and Afe Adogame eds., Interconnectivity, Subversion, and Healing in World Christianity: Essays in Honor of Joel Carpenter (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023), 109-121.

2022 This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is is_536281b.jpg “루터 종교개혁의 유산과 한국 개신교의 과제 [Legacies of Martin Luther’s Reformation and Tasks of Korean Protestantism],” <신학논단 Theological Forum> 110 (Seoul: United Graduate School of Theology, Yonsei University, Dec. 2022): 75-118.

2022 This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is is_530325-1.jpg “로스와 韓國 改新敎: 1882년 출간된 로스본 첫 한글 복음서를 중심으로 [John Ross and Korean Protestantism: Focusing on the First Two Korean Gospels in 1882],” <韓國基督敎와 歷史> 57 (October 2022): 9-52.

2022 This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 41vqvz1BJTL._SX384_BO1204203200_.jpg “Money and Self-Support: A Challenging Principle of the Nevius Method for Korean Protestant Churches and Missions,” Jonathan Bonk at. als. eds., The Realities of Money and Missions (Pasadena, CA: William Carey, 2022), 84-89.

2022 This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is jkr-659x1024.jpg  “Major Conflicts during the Transformation of a Rural Town  Sŏnch’ŏn into a ‘Kingdom of Christianity’ in Korea, 1896-1930,” Journal of Korean Religions (April 2022): 77-119.

2022 This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is k622837974_1.jpg “근대성과 한국 개신교 [Modernity and Korean Protestantism],” 연세대학교 근대한국학연구소 편, 동아시아 근대성과 기독교 (세창, 2022. 4), 9-58.

2022 This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is atj-1024x717.jpg “아펜젤러의 내한 과정과 한국에서의 첫 4년, 1884~1888 [Henry G. Appenzeller, Becoming a Pioneer Missionary and the First Four Years in Korea, 1884-1888],”  Appenzeller Theological Journal 1 (Claremont, CA, Henry Appenzeller University: March 2022): 1-40.

2021 This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 241535499_5147680868595055_5506844965851628025_n-1024x1024-1.jpg  “대학문제: 조선기독교대학의 설립과정과 정체성 [The College Question: The Establishment of Chosen Christian College and its Identity, 1913-1917],” <동방학지> 196 (연세대 국학연구원, 2021. 9): 353-386.

2021 This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is k432734917_1.jpg “한국교회, 끝인가 새로운 시작인가,” 신데카메론』 (서울: 복있는사람, 2021. 9), 17-42. 

2020 This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is is_503760.jpg전염병과 초기 한국 개신교, 1885-1919 [Epidemics, Governments, and Protestantism in Korea, 1885-1919],” <종교문화학보> 17-2 (전남대 종교문화연구소, 2020. 12): 1-36.

2020 This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is %ED%83%88%EA%B5%90%ED%9A%8C.jpg 식민지 시기 탈교회 현상과 비판 담론, 1910~1934,” 김동춘 편, 『탈교회』 (서울: 느헤미야, 2020. 12), 175-200.

2018 “Discourses of the Declines of Protestantism in Colonial Korea, 1910-34,” Theological Forum 94 (Seoul: United Graduate School of Theology, Yonsei University, Dec. 2018): 169-207.

2018 “교회사에서 본 명성교회 세습의 부당성,” 최삼경 외,  『김삼환-김하나 목사 세습은 제2의 신사참배』 (교회와 신앙, 2018. 8), 23-42.

2017  “Protestantismus v Koreji,” Misiologicke forum  (Praha: 1/2017): 26-38.

2016  “Protestantism Comes East: the Korean Case,” in Thomas A. Howard and Mark K. Noll ed., Protestantism After 500 Years (Oxford: Oxford University Press, August 2016), 228-257.

2016  “A Genealogy of Protestant Theologies of Religions in Korea, 1876-1910: Protestantism as the Religion of Civilization and Fulfillment,” in Anselm Kyungseok Min ed. Korean Religions in Relation: Buddhism, Confucianism, Christianity: Essays in Honor of Professor Wi Jo Kang (Albany, NY: State Univ. of New York Press, Dec. 2016), 35-55.

2016 1887년 개정판 마가의젼한복음셔언해 고찰 [A Revised Version of the Gospel of Mark, 1887],” Journal of Biblical Texts Research 38 (April 2016): 119-139.

2015  “Presbyterian Mission Methods and Policies in Korea, 1876 -1910” in Wonsuk Ma and Kyo Seong Ahn eds., Korean Church, God’s Mission, Global Christianity (Oxford: Regnum Books, September 2015), 32-47. 

2015  A Genealogy of Chejungwŏn, the First Modern Hospital in Korea, 1885-1904: Searching for Its Identity between the Governments and the Missions” in 연세대의학사연구소 편, 동아시아 선교병원의 역사 (Seoul: 역사공간, April 2015), 313-384.

2015 “개신교 식민지 근대성의 한 사례: 평양 조합교회 다카하시(高橋鷹藏) 목사의 『耶穌傳硏究』(1915)와 자유주의 신학,” [A Case of Protestant Colonial Modernity: “The Life of Jesus” by Takahashi of the Congreational Church in Pyongyang,” <한국기독교역사연구소소식> 112 (Dec. 2015): 36-48.

2015 “대한성서공회 120주년 회고와 전망: 해방 이후 역사(1945~2002년)를 중심으로,” 한글 성경 번역과 보급의 역사> (대한성서공회, 2015), 56-101.

2014 “새 移民法 50周年과 美州 韓人敎會의 方向,” in 미주 한인의 뿌리, 그리고 도전과 사명 (미주한인전국재단, 2014), 354-369.

2012 “Competing Chinese Names for God: The Chinese Term Question and Its Influence upon Korea,” Journal of Korean Religions 3-2 (Seogang University, Seoul: Oct. 2012): 1-27.

2012 “Major Protestant Revivals in Korea, 1903-1935,” Studies of World Christianity 18.3 (University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh: Oct. 2012): 269–290.

2012 “初期 改新敎 看護와 看護敎育의 正體性: 1903年에 設立된 保救女館 看護員養成學敎와 에드먼즈를 中心으로,” <한국기독교와역사> (2012. 3): 185-225.

2011 “舊譯本聖經全書(1911)의 飜譯, 出版, 頒布의 歷史的 意味,” 한글성경이 한국교회와 사회, 국어문화에 끼친 영향 (대한성서공회, 2011), 136-182.

2010 “Images of the Cross in Early Modern Korea: The Geomantic Prophecy of the Chŏnggam-nok and the Protestant Flag of the Red Cross,” Journal of Korean Religions 1 (Seogang University, Seoul: September 2010):117-161.

2010 “Healing and Exorcism: Christian Encounters with Shamanism in Early Modern Korea,” Asian Ethnology 65:1 (Nanzan University, Nagoya: July 2010): 99-135.

2009 “Edinburgh 1910, Fulfillment Theory, and Missionaries in China and Korea.” Journal of Asian and Asian American Theology IX (Claremont School of Theology, March 2009): 29-51.2008 “美國 韓人基督敎會의 社會的 責任,” <한국기독교와역사> 30 (2008. 9): 30-75.

2008 “Rethinking the 1907 Great Revival Movement.” International Journal of Christian Studies V-1 (Soongsil University, Seoul: June 2008): 125-165.2008 “初期 韓國 改新敎 禮拜堂의 發展過程과 特性, 1896-1912,” <동방학지> 141 (2008. 3): 267-321.

2006 “平壤大復興과 吉善宙 靈性의 道敎的 影響,” <한국기독교와역사> 25 (2006. 9): 7-35.

2006 “The Azusa Street Revival, 1901-1909: Its Characteristics and Comparison with the 1907 Great Revival in Korea.” In Won-mo Suh ed., Protestant Revivals in the 20th Century and Pyongyang Great Awakening Movement (Seoul: Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary), 353-411.

2005 “Chinese Tracts and Early Korean Protestantism,” in Robert E. Buswell and Timothy S. Lee eds., Christianity in Korea. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 72-93.

2004 “初期 韓國 改新敎와 祭祀問題,” <동방학지> 125 (2004. 9): 33-68.

2003 “선교사 무어의복음주의 선교신학,”  <한국기독교와역사> 19 (2003. 9): 31-76.2003 “Encounter of Christianity with Taoism in Korea, 1894-1910.” In Select Papers of the Korean Studies Graduate Student Conference, vol. 2. Cambridge: Korea Institute, Harvard University.

2002 “初期 韓國改新敎와 妻妾制 問題,” <한국기독교와역사> 16 (2002. 2): 7-34.

2002North American Missionaries’ Understanding of the Tan’gun and Kija Myths of Korea.” Acta Koreana 5:1 (Jan. 2002): 51-73.

2001 “Shamanistic Tan’gun and Christian Hanǎnim: Protestant Missionaries’ Interpretation of the Korean Founding Myth.” Studies in World Christianity 7-1 (2001): 42-57.

2001 “初期 韓國 改新敎의 檀君神話 理解,” Yi Mahn-yol, 한국기독교와 민족통일운동> (서울, 한국기독교역사연구소), 322-339.

2000 “韓日合邦 前後 崔炳憲 牧師의 時代認識,” <한국기독교와역사> 13 (2000. 9): 43-72.

1999 “韓國 監理敎의 初期 宣敎神學,” <한국기독교와역사> 11 (1999. 9): 7-40.

1998 “韓國 長老敎의 初期 宣敎政策,” <한국기독교와역사> 9 (1998. 9): 117-188.

1996 “Ch. 1. 北韓의 自然環境과 歷史” & “Ch. 2. 改新 敎收容의 歷史,” in 북한 교회사 (서울: 한국기독교역사연구소), 18-54.

1993 “改新敎 傳來期 神名稱 論爭,” <기독교사상> 37:10 (1993. 10): 200-223.


2002 “The Indigenization of Christianity in Korea: North American Missionaries’ Attitudes towards Korean Religions, 1884-1910,” Th. D. Boston U. School of Theology (Readers: Dana L. Robert, Chai-sik Chung).

1993  “한글 聖經 飜譯에 나타난 主要 論爭 硏究 [Major Controversies over the Bible Translation in Korea, 1880-1945].” Th. M., Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Seoul.

1991 “用語 ‘하나님’의 歷史 [A History of “Hananim,” the Korean Term for God]. M.Div. Presbyterian Theological Seminary.

1988 “로스本과 韓國改新敎 [The Ross Version and Korean Protestantism].” BA. Korean History, Seoul National University.