

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-1-791x1024.jpg Special Lecture, “Modern Korean History and Christianity,” The Korean Department, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Feb. 25, 2025.

Keynote Speech, “History and Future of Korean Diaspora and Korean American Churches,” The Council on Overseas Korean Churches for Education and Ministry, the 15th Conference in Los Angeles, Torrance First Presbyterian Church, Feb. 18, 2025


Lecture 2: “Temperance Movement: No Alcohol and No Tobacco,” CBS 잘잘법. March 24, 2024

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Screenshot-2024-02-01-120227-1024x615.jpg Lecture 1: “The Korean Term for God” CBS 잘잘법,  Feb. 1, 2024


This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 404966889_3528703537389582_1753715136403581286_n-1024x683.jpg Special Contribution Award, Korean Nursing Association, Nov. 2023

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 354450818_3429955400597730_7853142759939786842_n-1024x744.jpg June 22. Special lecture, “Korean Messianism and Christianity,” Somnium, Seoul.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 23-2-20.jpg Feb. 20 International Symposium, “Contributions and Liabilities of Protestantism in Modern Korea,” hosted by Yonsei College, GE Institute of Yonsei University, Korean GE Society, and Christian Literacy Institute

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is KakaoTalk_20230128_144550788_031.jpg Jan. 28 Meeting with the IM’s


This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 202204-1.jpg April 26. “John Ross and Korean Protestantism”,” Keynote Speech, 존 로스 한글 성경 번역 140주년 기념 학술 심포지엄, KBS & IKCH, Saemuan Church, Seoul. (Zoom)

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is oak13-1024x557.jpg April 27. Response to Dr. Jane Hong’s speech, “Korean American Presbyterians’ Activism Against Racism: Focusing on Three Figures,” NCKPC (National Caucus of Korean Presbyterian Churches) Jubilee events at the General Meeting. (Zoom)


This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 2021-11-11-1024x816.jpg Nov. 10 Plenary Presentation, “Mission, Money, and the Nevius Method: Rethinking the Nevius Method of Korean Protestant Churches,” The 6th Korean Global Mission Leaders Forum (Pyeongchang, Korea). (Zoom)

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 211028fulleroak-1024x764.jpg Oct. 28 Plenary Presentation, “The Contesting Ideas of Medical Mission in Korea, 1884-1934,” Missiology Lectures 2021, “Re-envisioning the Mission of Health: A Global Invitation to Heal and Thrive in Crisis,” Fuller Theological Seminary. (Zoom)

Oct. 24 Zoom Lecture, “Words to Young Ministers: From the Perspective of the History of Korean Protestantism,”  미래목회와말씀연구원 (Seoul, Korea).

Sept 27, Oct 4, Oct. 11, Zoom Lectures on the History of Korean Christianity, Association of Korean Ministers in Europe

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 200040814_4236222613165102_8222471300478915156_n-878x1024.jpg June 24, Zoom lecture, “Modern Korean Society and Christianity,” Sonnium, Seoul.

March 3. Zoom Seminar Lecture on Sermons and Korean History for Korean American Church Ministers Chicago Area

Feb. 26 Zoom Book Talk on The Making of Korean Christianity for the general audience in Korean.

Feb. 21-22 Zoom Lecture, “History of Korean Protestantism, 1945-now,” Atlanta and Living Water Sub-Presbyteries, GA & FL.

Feb. 21 Zoom Lecture, “Let’s Talk about Today’s Korean Protestant Churches,” Sum and Swim Institute, Kwangju, Korea.

Feb. 7   Zoom Lecture, “Today’s Korean Protestantism and the Pandemic,” God’s Will Gwangsung Presbyterian Church, Seoul.

Feb. 5, 2021, Zoom Lecture, “Post-Covid-19 Korean Christianity,” Woori Management Institute, Christian Management Institute, Seoul.

Jan. 31, 2021 Zoom Lecture, “History of Korean Protestantism during the Colonial Period,” God’s Will Gwangsung Presbyterian Church, Seoul.

Jan. 24, 2021, Zoom Lecture, God’s Will Gwangsung Presbyterian Church, Seoul. “History of Early Korean Protestantism”


 Nov. 12 Zoom Paper presentation, Institute of Religious Culture, Chonnam University, Kwangju, Korea

 Nov. 2 Zoom Lecture, Nehemiah Institute for Christian Studies, Seoul

Sept. 15 Zoom speech, National Caucus of Korean Presbyterian Churches, PCUSA

Feb. 18 Hosted thirteen middle school students from Korea


June 3, Talk with first-generation KA Christians from Philadelphia

 April 28, Im Conference at UCLA


Nov. 26 presided over a panel of the Korea Religion Unit, AAR Annual Meeting, Denver, CO

 Oct. 18 special lecture at the conference of the North America Korea Philosophy Association at Stanford University, “Discourses on Religions and Politics by Korean Confucian-Christians, 1882-1910”

    Aug. 13 lecture at a seminary alumni conference meeting at UCLA, “Jerusalem of Korea versus Korea of Jerusalem, 1920-1930.”

 May 17 Senior Scholar Lecture at the depart. of Religious Studies, Seogang University “The Birth of Northwest Christianity in Korea, 1890-1930”

   May 15, 2018 Paper presentation, Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary, Seoul, “Theology of the Presbyterian Th. Seminary at Pyongyang, 1901-1940”


 Dec. 12. lecture at Choonghyun Mission Church, Los Angeles

 Nov. 18 keynote speech at LA Christian Ethic Movement

 Aug. 14-18 lecture for K D.Min program at Fuller Theological Seminary

July-Aug. CBS TV, Academy Forest, Six Lectures “A New History of Early Korean Protestantism

20160422 171301 resized April 22, UCLA Center for Korean Studies, 2016 Im Conference of Korean Christianity


kbs 22 Dec. 10, Interviewed for the KBS 1 Special Documentary Film: Avison’s Service for Korea for 42 Years

ptss 1 Nov. 30 lectured “The Making of Korean Protestant Christianity” at the Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Seoul

good teacher 2 Nov. 30 lectures “Historical Issues in the Open Port Period and Korean Christianity” at the Good Teachers Movement, Seoul

25679 54696 5817 Nov. 24 presented a paper on the “History of the Korean Bible Society, 1945-2002” at the 120th anniversary of the KBS, Seoul

20151123002633 0 Nov. 23 presented a paper on the “Early Nursing Education in Korea” at the National Congress Forum for the Woman History Museum

ys ki Nov. 20 presented a paper “Mission Educational Thought in the Foundation Days of Choson Christian College, 1915-1919” at the conference of the Institute of Korean Studies, Yonsei University, Seoul.

mokwon 2 Nov. 10 lectured “Korean Gospels Crossed the Yalu River, 1874-1884” at Mogwon University, Daejeon

20151102 new wave 2 Nov. 2 lectured “Luther 500 and Korean Protestantism 130” at the New Wave Academy, Seoul

339 Oct. 10 presented a paper “The Introduction of Theological Liberalism and Historical Jesus Study in 1915 by Rev. Takahasi Takazo 高橋鷹藏 of the Japanese Congregation Church” at the Institute of the History of Christianity in Korea, Seoul

namhan san September 12 Climbed to the Commanding General’s Post 수어장대 of the Mt. Namsan Fortress, Seongnam

12348 June 17-18. The main speaker at the 44th National Conference of Korean Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), Hilton Hotel, Washington DC Dulles Airport.

20150613 140938 resized 999 June 13, UCLA Humanities Graduation Ceremony

2015 kim do hyung2 2333 May 22 With Prof. Kim Dohyung of Yonsei University

20141024 130029 pp Oct. 24, Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia, PA

20141020 155831 pp Oct. 22, Princeton Theological Seminary

20141021 172637 1 ppp Oct. 21. with Dr. Moffett, Princeton, NJ

DAU 85331 11 June 14 UCLA Graduation, With Chair of ALC Depart. & Dean of College of Humanities

954715 703936136319334 3228351633278856763 n April 14 Lectured at K D.Min Program, Fuller Theological Seminary. “The Contextualization of Protestantism in Early Modern Korea: Its History and Legacy”

gordon 1 Nov. 15 a paper presented, at Reform 500, Gordon College, Boston. "The First Three Decades and the Recent Three Decades of Korean Protestantism"

IMG 7895-11 IMG 3128 Oct. 25 Im Conference, UCLA

2013-10-19 04.50.25-111 DSCN4001-111 Oct 17 World Christianity Forum at Boston University School of Theology, Boston. With Prof. Dana Robert, my teacher, and two classmates who became professors in the US.

book 2013 October 15 Interview with the KoreaDaily on the book. September 3, Author’s copy of The Making of Korean Christianity received from Balyor University Press

DSCN3954-1  June 24-29 Yale Divinity School Library Archives & 2013 Yale-Edinburgh Mission Studies Conference

aas 2013 oakc March 23  AAS Annual Meeting, San Diego. Lunch with scholars of Christianities in East Asia

Westminster abbey july 1 July 1, Sunday worship at Westminster Abbey, London, UK

Yale-Edinburgh-Meeting June 30, at the Assembly Hall, New College, University of Edinburgh

450px-John Knox statue New College Edinburgh June 29, John Knox statue, New College, Edinburgh, Scotland

1522 luther nt June 4, Luther’s NT in 1522, Luther Museum, Luther-Wittenberg, Germany

wartburg-lutherstube-small June 2, Luther’s Room, Wartburg Castle, Germany

eisenach lutehr statue June 2, A side of the Luther Statue, Eisenach, Germany

img758-1 img758-2  Altmarkt und Kreuzkirche, Dresden, Germany( Before in 1945 & After in 2004)

ja interviewInterview, Korea Daily, Los Angeles, May 8, 2012, page 23.

bergbaumuseum-bochum April, Bochum, Germany

unioben April 5. Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany

moksin 1 Interview. Newsletter of the Center for Global Christianity and Missions, Boston University School of Theology (Winter 2012)

moksin2 Interview. Mokhoe wa Sinhak (Seoul: December 2011). 

yonsei che.jpg - 125.56 Kb  Nov. 25. Paper presented at the 126th Anniversary of Chejungwon, Yonsei University, Seoul

ewha presen.jpg - 237.35 Kb  Nov. 24. Lecture at the 140th Anniversary of Birth of M. J. Edmunds, Ewha University, Seoul

my_camera_2.jpg - 394.96 Kb Oct. 21 Im Conference, UCLA Center for Korean Studies

bible3.jpg - 106.28 Kb April 4 Symposium of the Korean Bible Society.  at Youndong Presbyterian Church, Seoul, 100th Anniv. of the Publication of the Korean (Hangul) Bible

uts 11 12 2.jpg - 40.63 Kb In front of the America Bible Society, New York, Nov. 12 

with dr. mrrs moffett.jpg - 142.00 Kb September 29 With Dr. Samuel H. Moffett & Mrs. Eileen F. Moffett, Princeton

moffett 2010-1 Dr. Moffett (1916-) is working on the biography of his father, Sept. 29.

luce library .jpg - 46.29 Kb Special Collections, Henry Luce III Library, Princeton T. Seminary, Sept. 27.

methodist h center.jpg - 44.26 Kb Methodist Historical Center, Drew University, Sept. 24

drew seminary.jpg - 62.09 Kb Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, NJ. September 20

uts library.jpg - 51.22 Kb Burke Library, Union Theological Seminary, NY. Sept. 17.

yale 1.jpg - 39.15 Kb Yale Divinity School Library, CT. Sept. 15.

phs statues.jpg - 61.17 Kb Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia. September 7

landis tombstone.jpg - 41.54 Kb At the Tombstone of Dr. Eli B. Landis (1865-1898), Lancaster, PA. September 5

may 8 2010.jpg - 42.81 Kb May 8, Los Angeles. “Shedding New Light on the Leaders of the Korean Independence Movement in the US,” Symposium. in commemoration of the Centennial of the KNA.

u.jpg - 217.67 Kb  Celebration of the 125th anniversary of Horace G. Underwood’s arrival in Korea and the publication of the five volumes of “H. G. Underwood & Lillias H. Underwood Papers” (ed. by Oak Sung-Deuk Oak and Yi Mahn-yol) at Yonsei University, April 5. 2010.

2009 k177.bmp - 285.93 Kb K177 Students from Latin America, March 2009
img2397.jpg - 343.85 Kb Luce Conference, April 2007: Profs. Min, Hertig, and Oak 

img2362.jpg - 483.21 Kb KOVISION (Korean Visiting Scholars Network) UCLA, April 2007

a1-21.jpg - 21.33 Kb Dongsoon Im and Mija Im