
Books on Korean Christianity and Korea, 1600-1950

* For the books published from 1950 to 2005, see bibliographies in “Topical Bibliography”
For the Books published since 2006, see “Recent Books”

De Rebus Japonicis Hay, John. De Rebus Japonicis, Indicis, et Peruanis epistolae recentiores. Martinus Nuntius, Antwerp. John Hay (1546-1607), a Scottish Jesuit, compiled 55 letters, written between 1577 and 1601. The largest part of the letters are about Jesuits’ activities in Japan and Korea.

Ricci, Matteo and Nicolas Trigault. Historia von Einfüehrung der Christlichen Religion in daß grosse Königreich China durch die Societet Jesu. Augsburg, Anton Hierat von Cöllen. The German edition of the most influential description of China in the first half of the 17th century. The title page, engraved by Wolfgang Kilian, gives the title on a cloth hanging in a portico, flanked by the figures of St Francis Xavier and Matteo Ricci, and with a small map of China, Korea, Japan and Formosa, with the Great Wall depicted, at the foot.

Martinius, Martin. Bellum Tartaricum, Or The Conquest of the Great and Most Renowned Empire of China, by the Invasion of the Tartars. London: John Crook.

Du Halde, J. B. The general history of China Du Halde, J. B. The general history of China. Containing a geographical, historical, chronological, political and physical description of the empire of China, Chinese-Tartary, Corea, and Thibet. Including an exact and particular account of their customs, manners, ceremonies, religion, arts and science. London: J. Watts. 1736; 2nd. 1739. In the four volumes of his massive work, he covers the geography, history, political institutions, court life, social customs and social structures, technology, agriculture, language, writing system, religious beliefs, science, medicine, education, music, arts, crafts, and literature of China. The maps include the first separate map of Korea (in vol. IV)

Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d’. Nouvel atlas de la Chine, de la Tartarie chinoise et du Thibet: contenant les cartes générales & particulieres de ces pays, ainsi que la carte du royaume de Coreé. La Haye : H. Scheurleer, 1737. 42 maps.

Du Halde, Jean-Baptiste, Bowen, Emanuel, tr. Edward Cave. A description of the empire of China and Chinese-Tartary: together with the kingdoms of Korea, and Tibet

A Collection of Voyages and Travels, consisting of authentic writers in our own tongue
… and continued with others of note, that have published histories, voyages… relating to any part of the continent of Asia, Africa, America, Europe… with a great variety of cuts, prospects, ruins, maps, and charts. Compiled from the… library of the late Earl of Oxford… Vol. I [-II] -London: printed for and sold by Thomas Osborne.

Broughton, William Robert. A Voyage of Discovery of the North Pacific Ocean: Performed in his Majesty’s Sloop Providence, and her tender in the years 1795, 1796, 1797, and 1798. London: Cadell & Davies.

Hakluyt, Richard. Three Several Testimonies concerning the Mighty Kingdom of Coray.London: British Library.

M'Leod, John. Narrative of a voyage M’Leod, John. Narrative of a voyage in His Majesty’s late ship Alceste, to the Yellow Sea, along the coast of Corea, and through its numerous hitherto undiscovered islands, to the island of Lewchew: with an account of her shipwreck in the straits of Gaspar. London: J. Murray.

Hall, Basil. Account of a voyage of discovery Hall, Basil. Account of a voyage of discovery to the west coast of Corea and the great Loo-Choo Island. London: J. Murray; Philadelphia: Abraham Small.

Hall, Basil. Voyage to Loo-choo Hall, Basil. Voyage to Loo-choo, and other places in the Eastern Seas, in the year 1816, including an account of Captain Maxwell’s attack on the batteries at Canton; and notes of an interview with Buonaparte at St. Helena, in August 1817. Edinburgh: Constable.

Gützlaff, Karl Friedrich August. Journal of Three Voyages Gützlaff, Karl Friedrich August. Journal of Three Voyages along the Coast of China in 1831, 1832 and 1833, with notices of Siam, Corea, and the Loo-Choo Islands. London: Frederick Westley and A. H. Davis.

 Medhurst, Walter Henry. 朝鮮偉國字彙. Translation of a comparative vocabulary of the Chinese, Corean, and Japanese languages: Batavia: Printed at the Parapattan Press.

Samarang. Notes from a journal of research into the natural history of the countries visited during the voyage of         H.M.S. Samarang, under the command of Captain Sir Edward Belcher. London: Reeve, Benham, and Reeve.

Gützlaff, Karl Friedrich August. Visit to the Chinese Coast Gützlaff, Karl Friedrich August. Visit to the Chinese Coast. New York: American Tract Society. 

Rundell, Thomas ed. Memorials of the Empire of Japon: in the XVIvi and XVII Centuries. London: Hakluyt Society.


González de Mendoza, Juan. The History of the Great and Mighty Kingdom of China and the Situation Thereof. London: Hakluyt Society.


Marrin, William A. P. 天道溯原 Tiandao suyuan. Ningbo 寧波: 華花書局

Wiseman, Nicholas Patrick.The New Glories of the Catholic Church. London: Richardson.

de Rosney, Léon. Vocabulaire chinois, coreen, aino : expliqué en français et précédé d’une introduction sur le écritures de la Chine, de la Corée et de Yéso. Paris: Maisonneuve et Cie.1867
Wylie, Alexander. Memorials of Protestant Missionaries Wylie, Alexander. Memorials of Protestant Missionaries. Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press.

Williamson, Alexander Williamson, Alexander. Journey in North China, Manchuria, and Eastern Mongolia; with some account of Corea. London, Smith, Elder & Co. 2 vols.

Smith, F. Porter. A Vocabulary of Proper Names Smith, F. Porter. A Vocabulary of Proper Names, in Chinese and English: of places, persons, tribes, and sects, in China, Japan, Corea, Annam, Siam, Burmah, the Straits, and adjacent countries. Shanghai: Presbyterian Mission Press.

Clake, James F. Ten Great Religions: An Essay in Comparative Theology. Vol. 1. Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin Co.

Jarrad, Frederick William. The China Sea Directory, vol. IV. Comprising the coasts of Korea, Russian Tartary, the Japan Islands, Gulfs of Tartary and Amúr, and the Sea of Okhotsk. London.

Dallet, Claude Charles. Histoire de l’Eglise de Corée Dallet, Claude Charles. Histoire de l’Eglise de Corée. Paris: Librairie Victor Palmé.

 The Chinese New Testament. Imperial (Shangdi)edition.  London: British and Foreign Bible Society, 1875.

Catalogue of the Chinese Imperial Maritime Customs Collection at the United States International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876. Shanghai: General Inspector of Maritime Customs.

Brothers of the Christian Schools, The New primary illustrated geography for the use of the Christian schools in the Dominion of CanadaThe New primary illustrated geography for the use of the Christian schools in the Dominion of Canada . Montreal: Chapleau & Sons.

Moody, Dwight Lyman. Moody: his words, work, and workers: Comprising his Bible Portraits. New York: Nelson & Phillips.

Ross, John Ross, John. The Corean Primer: Being Lessons in Corean on All Ordinary Subjects, Transliterated on the Principles of the Mandarin Primer. Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press.

Mecnikov, Lev. Vocabulaire japonais-aino-coréen. Genève: H. Georg.

Takeaki, Enomoto (榎本武揚). 朝鮮事情 [Situation of Corea] Takeaki, Enomoto (榎本武揚). 朝鮮事情 [Situation of Corea]. Tokyo: 集成館. (A partial translation of Dallet’s 1874 book; 2nd edition in 1882)

Records of the General Conference of the Protestant Missionaries in China, Held at Shanghai, May 10-24, 1877. Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press.


Faber, Ernst. Introduction to the Science of Chinese Religion: A Critique of Max Muller and Other Authors. Shanghai: Presbyterian Mission Press.

Ross, John. History of Corea, Ancient and Modern Ross, John. History of Corea, Ancient and Modern. Paisley, Scotland: J. and R. Parlane.

Legge, James. Religions of China: Confucianism and Taoism Described and Compared with Christianity New York: Fleming H. Revell.

Oppert, Ernst. A Forbidden Land, Voyage to Korea Oppert, Ernst. A Forbidden Land, Voyage to Korea. London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Livingston; New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons.

Ridel, F. C. ed. 韓佛字典 Hanbul chadyŏn Ridel, F. C. ed. 韓佛字典 Hanbul chadyŏn: Dictionnaire Coréen-Français. Yokohama: Levy.

Ross, John. The Manchus: or, the Reigning Dynasty of China: Their Rise and Progress. Paisley, Scotland: J. and R. Parlane.

Les Missionnaires de Corée de la Socieite des Missions étrangères de Paris. Grammaire Coréenne: Précédée d’un Introduction sur le Caractère de la Langue Coréenne. Yokohama, L. Lévy et S. Salabelle: 1881.

Gracey, J. T. Medical work of the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society, Methodist Episcopal Church. Dansville, N.Y.: A. O. Bunnell, 1881.

Ross, John. Korean Speech with Grammar and Vocabulary Ross, John. Korean Speech with Grammar and Vocabulary. Shanghai: Kelly & Walsh, 1882. (reprint, Seoul : T’ap Ch’ulp’ansa, 1979).

Griffis, William E. Griffis, William E. Corea, The Hermit Nation. New York: Scribner’s Sons.  William Griffis in Allibone’s Critical Dictionary of English Literature, 1894

Clarke, James F. Ten Great Religions. 2 vols. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1871 & 1883.

Reid, John M. ed. Doomed Religions. New York: Phillips & Hunt.

Griffis, William E. Corea, Without and Within. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication.

Remlap, L. P. ed. The Gospel Awakening: Comprising the sermons and addresses of D. L. Moody. Chicago prayer

Gottsche, C. Land und Leute in Korea. Berlin: W. Pormetter.

Lowell, Percival Lowell, Percival. Chosön_The Land of the Morning Calm Lowell, Percival. Chosn: The Land of the Morning Calm. Boston: Ticknor & Co.; London: Trubner & Co.

Baynes, Thomas Spencer. ed. Encyclopedia Britannica. Vol. XX. New York: Henry G. Allen & Co.

Denny, Owen N. China and Korea. Shanghai: Kelly and Walsh.

James, Henry E. M. The Long White Mountain James, Henry E. M. The Long White Mountain or A Journey in Manchuria. London: Longmans.

Descriptive catalogue of the publications of the Presbyterian Church in the USA, Board of Publication and Sabbath-School Work, 1888.

Gracey, J. T. Medical work of the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society, Methodist Episcopal Church. Dansville, N.Y.: A. O. Bunnell, 1888.

Allen, Horace N. Korean Tales: Being a Collection of Stories Translated from the Korean Folk Lore. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons.

Duncan, Cheney. Corea and the Powers: A Review of the Far Eastern Question. Shanghai: Shanghai Mercury Office.

Launay, Adrien. La Coree et Les Missionnarires Francais Launay, Adrien. La Coree et Les Missionnarires Francais, with an introduction by Chasles Dallet.

 Nevius, John L. The Planting and Development of Missionary Churches. Shanghai: American Presbyterian Printing House.

Records of the General Conference of the Protestant Missionaries in China, Held at Shanghai, May 7-20, 1890. Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press.

Underwood, Horace G. An Introduction to the Korean Spoken Language. Yokohama: Seishi Bunsha.

Underwood, Horace G. Concise dictionary of the Korean language, in two parts, Korean-English & English-Korean. Yokohama: Seishi Bunsha.

Bliss, Edwin M, ed. Encyclopaedia of Missions.New York: Funk & Wagnalls.

Cavendish, Alfred J. Korea and the Sacred White Mountain: being a brief account of a journey in Korea in 1891. London: George Philip and Son.

Aubertin, John J. Wanderings and wonderings: India, Burma, Kashmir, Ceylon, Singapore, Java, Siam, Japan, Manila, Formosa, Korea, China, Cambodia, Australia, New Zealand, Alaska, the States. London: K. Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co.

Ellinwood, Frank F. Oriental Religions and Christianity Ellinwood, Frank F. Oriental Religions and Christianity. New York: Scribners.

Gilmore, William George. Korea from Its Capital: With a Chapter on MissionsPhiladelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication and Sabbath-school Work.

Hong Kong Daily, The Directory & Chronicle of China, Corea, Japan, the Philippines, Indo-China, Straits Settlements, Borneo, Siam, Malaya States, Etc. for 1892. Hong Kong: Daily Press, 1892.

Kellogg, Samuel Henry. The Genesis and Growth of Religion. New York and London: Macmillan.

North China Herald. The Anti-foreign Riots in China in 1891: With an appendix. Shanghai.

Barrows, John S. ed. The World’s Parliament of Religions. 2 vols. Chicago: Parliament Publishing Co.

Ohlinger, Franklin. Thoughts, Words, Deeds, and Other Sermons. Seoul: Trilingual Press.

Scott, James. A Corean manual or Phrase Book, with introductory grammar. Seoul, English Church Mission Press.

Cavendish, A. E. J. Korea and the Sacred White Mountain: being a brief account of a journey in Korea in 1891. London: George Philip and Son.

Clark, James Hyde. Story of China and Japan with a Sketch of Corea and the Coreans, and the Causes Leading to the Conflict of 1894. Philadelphia: Oriental Publishing.

Curzon, George N. Problems of the Far East Curzon, George N. Problems of the Far East: Japan, Korea, China. London: Longmans, Green, & Co.

Gilmore, William G. Korea Today Gilmore, William G. Korea Today. London: Nelson.

Grant, George Monro. The Religions of the World in Relation to Christianity. New York: Revell.

Northrop, Henry D. The flowery kingdom and the land of the Mikado; or, China, Japan and Corea, containing their complete history down to the present time … together with a graphic account of the war between China and Japan. Toronto: William Briggs.

Pierson, Arthur T. The New Acts of the Apostle or the Marvels of Modern Missions. London: James Nisbet.

White, Trumbull. The War in the East: Japan, China, and Corea: A Complete History of The War: With a Preliminary Account of the Customs, Habits and History of the Three Peoples Involved. Philadelphia: Monarch.

Adams, James Edward. The Missionary Pastor Adams, James Edward. The Missionary Pastor, NY, Chicago: Revell.

 Culin, Stewart. Korean Games. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania.

Faber, Ernst. Confucianism. Shanghai: Presbyterian Mission Press.

Gardner, Christopher Thomas. Corea. Australasian Association, The Advancement of Science.

Landor, Arnold H. Savage. Corea; or, Cho-sen, the land of the morning calm. London: W. Heinemann.

Lawrence, Edward A. Modern Missions in the East; Their Methods, Successes, and Limitations. New York: Harper & Brothers.

Miln, Louise Jordan. Quaint Korea. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.

Nevius, Helen S. C. The Life of John Livingston Nevius Nevius, Helen S. C. The Life of John Livingston Nevius: For Forty Years a Missionary in China.New York: Fleming H. Revell.

Jubilee Papers of the Central China Presbyterian Mission, 1844-1894 [Ningpo Station; Shanghai; Hangchow; Soochow.] Joshua Crowell Garritt. Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1895.

Chirol, Valentine. The Far Eastern Question. London: Macmillan.

Courant, Maurice Courant, Maurice. Bibliographie coréene: tableau litteraire de la Corée. 2 vols. Paris: E. Leroux, 1894 & 1896.

Galloway, Charles B. Modern Missions: Their Evidential Value. Nashville: Publishing House Methodist Episcopal Church, South.

Nevius, John L. Demon Possession and Allied Themes. New York: F. H. Revell.

Bishop, Bird Bishop, Bird. Korea and Her Neighbors. London: John Murray.

Dennis, James A. Christian Missions and Social Progress, 3 vols. New York: Revell, 1897-1906.

Gale, James S. A Korean-English Dictionary. Yokohama: Kelly & Walsh.

Hall, Rosetta S. The life of Rev. William James Hall, MD: Medical Missionary to the Slums of New York, Pioneer Missionary to Pyeng Yang, Korea. New York: Eaton & Maine.

Wilkinson, William H. The Corean Government: Constitutional Changes, July 1894 To October 1895. With an Appendix on Subsequent Enactments to 30th June 1896. Shanghai: Statistical Department of Inspectorate General of Customs

Gale, James S. Korean Sketches Gale, James S. Korean Sketches. New York: F. H. Revell.

Gifford, Daniel L. Every-day Life in Korea Gifford, Daniel L. Every-day Life in Korea. New York: F. H. Revell.

Ford, John D. An American Cruiser in The East; Travels and Studies in the Far East; The Aleutian Islands, Behring’s Sea, Eastern Siberia, Japan, Korea, China, Formosa, Hong Kong, and the Philippine Islands. New York: A. S. Barnes.

Speer, Robert E. Mission and Politics in Asia. New York: F. H. Revell.

Barnes, Annie M. Tatong, the Little Slave: A Story of Korea. Richmond, VA: Presbyterian Committee of Publication.

Chester, Samuel H. Lights and Shadows of Mission Work in the Far East. Richmond, VA: The Presbyterian Committee of Publication.

Dennis, James A. Christian Missions and Social Progress, Vol. 2. New York: Revell, 1899.

Kellogg, Samuel Henry. A Handbook of Comparative Religion. Philadelphia: Westminster.
Launay, Adrien. LA COREE ET LES MISSIONNARIRES FRANCAIS. introduction by Chasles Dallet.

Mateer, Calvin W. A Review of Methods of Mission Work. Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press.

Northrop, Henry Davenport. Chinese horrors and persecutions of the Christians Northrop, Henry Davenport. Chinese horrors and persecutions of the Christians. Philadelphia: National Publishing Co.

Mott, John R. The Evangelization of the World in This Generation. New York: Student Volunteer Movement.

Schidmore, Eliza R. Westward to the Far East Schidmore, Eliza R. Westward to the Far East. A guide to the principal cities of China and Japan, with a note on Korea. [Montreal?]: Canadian Pacific Railway Co., 1900.

Chats on Things in Korea. Seoul: Seoul: Ye Olde Curio Shoppe, 1900.

Allen, Horace N. A Chronological Index: Some of the Chief Events in the Foreign Intercourse of Korea. Seoul: Methodist Publishing House.

Barnes, Annie Maria. The Red Miriok Barnes, Annie Maria. The Red Miriok.

Beach, Harlan P. A Geography and Atlas of Protestant Missions. New York: Student Volunteer Movement.

Lawrence, Edward A. Introduction to the Study of Foreign Missions. New York: Student Volunteer Movement.

Speer, Robert E. Missionary Principles and Practice: a Discussion of Christian Missions and of Some Criticisms upon them. New York: F. H. Revell.

sketch km 1900 app Appenzeller, H. G. Sketch of Korea Mission. New York: MEC, 1902.
Brown, Arthur J. Report of a Visitation of the Korea Mission of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions Brown, Arthur J. Report of a Visitation of the Korea Mission of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions. New York: Board of FM of the PCUSA.

Directory of Protestant Missionaries in China and Japan for the year 1902. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Daily Press, 1902. pdf

Barnes, Annie Maria. The Red Miriok. Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication Society.

Japan and America. Prominent Americans Interested in Japan and Prominent Japanese in America. New York: Japan & America, 1903.

Kato, Bunjiro and Kanazawa, Shozaburo. A Catalogue of the Romanized Geographical Names of Korea. Tokyo: Tokyo University.

Klausse, Alexis S. The Far East, Its History and Its Question. London: Grant Richards. 2nd ed.

Ross, John. Mission Methods in Manchuria. New York: F. H. Revell, 1903; 2nd ed. 1906.

Allen, Horace N. Korea: Fact and Fancy. Seoul: Methodist Publishing House.

Canton, William. A History of the British and Foreign Bible Society. London: John Murray.

Constance, J. D. Taylor. Koreans at Home Constance, J. D. Taylor. Koreans at Home: The Impressions of a Scotswoman. London, Paris, & New York: Cassel & Co.

Dwight, Henry Otis. et al. eds. Encyclopedia of Missions. London and New York: Funk & Wagnalls Co.

Gale, James S. The Vanguard, a Tale of Korea. New York: F. H. Revell.

Hamilton, Angus. Korea. New York: Scribner’s Sons.

Henry, Norman. The peoples and politics of the Far East Henry, Norman. The peoples and politics of the Far East; travels and studies in the British, French, Spanish and Portuguese colonies, Siberia, China, Japan, Korea, Siam and Malaya. New York: C. Scribner’s Sons.

Jones, G. Heber. “Korea” in The Asiatic Fields; addresses delivered before the Eastern missionary convention of the Methodist Episcopal church, Philadelphia, Pa., October 13-15, 1903. New York: Eaton & Mains.

McCully, Elizabeth. A Corn of Wheat or The Life of Rev. W. J. McKenzie of Korea. Toronto: Westminster Co.

Tayler, Constance. Koreans at Home: The Impressions of a Scotswoman. London: Cassell & Co.

Underwood, Lillias H. Fifteen Years among the Top-knots Underwood, Lillias H. Fifteen Years among the Top-knots or Life in Korea. New York: Boston & New York: American Tract Society.

Whigham, H. J. Manchuria and Korea. London: Isbister & Co.

 Appenzeller and Jones, The Korea Mission of the Methodist Episcopal Church (New York: MEC, 1905).

Corfe, C. John. The Anglican Church in Corea. London; Livingstone; Seoul: Seoul Press

Hulbert, Homer B. History of Korea. 2 vols. New York: Hillary; Seoul: Methodist Publishing House.

Pike, Henry Lee Mitchell. Our Little Korean Cousin Pike, Henry Lee Mitchell. Our Little Korean Cousin. Boston: L. C. Page Co.

Presbyterian Church, USA. Counsel to New Missionaries from Older Missionaries of the Presbyterian Church. New York: Board of Foreign Mission, PCUSA, 1905)

Rockhill, William W. China’s intercourse with Korea from the XVth century to 1895. London: Luzac & Co.

Underwood, Lillias H. With Tommy Tompkins in Korea Underwood, Lillias H. With Tommy Tompkins in Korea. New York: Revell.

Weale, B. L. Putnam. The re-shaping of the Far East. London: Macmillan.

Hulbert, Homer B. The Passing of Korea. New York: Doubleday, Page & company.

Noble, William Arthur. Ewa: A Tale of Korea. New York: Young People’s Missionary Movement of the United States and Canada.

Perry, Jean. Chilgoopie the Glad, A Story of Korean and Her ChildrenLondon:  Patridge & Co.

Richard, Timothy. Calendar of the gods in China. Shanghai: Methodist Publishing House

Vay, Péter Gróf. Empires and emperors of Russia, China, Korea, and Japan: notes and recollections by Monsignor Count Vay de Vaya and Luskod. New York: Dutton.

China Mail, Who is Who in the Fart East in 1906-07. Hong Kong. China Mail, 1907.

Dwight, Henry O. The Blue Book of Mission for 1907. New York: Funk & Wagnalls.

Jones, G. Heber. Korea_The Land, People, and the Custom Jones, G. Heber. Korea: The Land, People, and the Customs. Cincinnati: Jennings & Graham.

Harris, Merriman C. Harris, Merriman C. Christianity in Japan. Cincinnati: Jennings & Graham; NY: Eaton & Mains. MacGillivray, Donald. ed. A Century of Protestant Missions in China, 1807-1907. Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press.

MacGillivray, Donald. Descriptive and Classified Missionary Centenary Catalogue of Current Christian Literature, 1907, continuing that of 1901. Shanghai: Presbyterian Mission Press.

McKenzie, Frederick Arthur. The Unveiled East. London: Hutchinson & Co.

Weale, B. L. Putnam. The Truce in the East and its Aftermath. London: Macmillan.

Perry, Jean. The Man in Grey Perry, Jean. The Man in Grey. London: S. W. Patridge & Co.

Allen, Horace N. Things Korean: A Collection of Sketches and Anecdotes, Missionary and Diplomatic. New York: F. H. Revell.

Angier, A. Gorton. The Far East Revisited; essays on political, commercial, social, and general conditions in Malaya, China, Korea and Japan. London: Witherby & co.

Blackstone, William R. Jesus Is Coming. Chicago: Moody Press. Brown, Arthur J. The Why and How of the Foreign Missions. New York: Board of the Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church of the USA.

Brown, Arthur J. and Samuel M. Zwemer. The Nearer and Farther East: Outline Studies of Moslem Lands and of Siam, Burma, and Korea. New York: Macmillan.

Ladd, George T. In Korea with Marquis Ito. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.

McKenzie, Frederick A. The Tragedy of Korea, London: H. & Soughton, 1908.

Perry, Jean. Uncle Mac the Missionary Perry, Jean. Uncle Mac the Missionary. London: Patridge.

Underwood, Horace G. The Call of Korea. New York: F. H. Revell.

Austin, H. H. A Scamper through the Far East Austin, H. H. A Scamper through the Far East. London: Arnold.

Baird, Annie L. A. Daybreak in Korea: A Tale of Transformation in the Far East. New York: F. H. Revell. Brown,

Brown, Arthur J. Report on a Second Visit to China, Japan, and Korea. New York: Board of the Foreign Missions of PCUSA.

Ch'oe, Pyônghôn. 聖山明鏡 Ch’oe, Pyônghôn. 聖山明鏡 Sôngsan myônggyông [The Bright Mirror in the Holy Mountain]. Seoul: 貞洞皇華書齋. The first Korean book on comparative religion. 2nd edition came out in 1911.

Davis, George T. B. Korea for Christ Davis, George T. B. Korea for Christ. New York: F. H. Revell.

Gale, James S. Korea in Transition. New York: Laymen’s Missionary Movement.

Ross, John. The Original Religion of China. New York: Eaton & Mains.

Carus, Paul. Nestorian Monument: An Ancient Record of Christianity in China. Chicago: Open Court, 1909.

Wagner, Ellasus Canter. Kim Su Bang and Other Stories of Korea Wagner, Ellasus Canter. Kim Su Bang and Other Stories of Korea. Nashville, TN: Publishing House of M. E. Church, South.

Blair, William Newton. The Korea Pentecost: And Other Experience on the Mission Field. New York: BFM of the PCUSA.

Blakeslee, George H. ed. China and the Far East. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co.

Coulson, Constance J. D. Korea_Peeps at Many Lands Coulson, Constance J. D. Korea: Peeps at Many Lands. London: Adam and Charles Black.

Jones, G. Heber. The Korea Mission of the Methodist Episcopal Church. New York: Board of Foreign Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1910.

Hamilton, Angus. Korea. Boston: J. B. Millet Co.

Montgomery, Helen B. Western Women in Eastern Lands. New York. McMillan Co.

SVM. Students and the Present Missionary Crisis, New York: SVMFM.

Underwood, H. G. The Religions of Eastern Asia. New York: McMillan.

Elias, Frank. The Far East, China, Korea, & Japan. London: A. & C. Black.

Ellinwood, Mary G. Frank Field Ellinwood: His Life and Work. New York, Revell.

Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edition, 1911.

Fenwick, Malcolm C. The Church of Christ in Corea. New York: Hodder & Stoughton-Doran.

Griffis, William E. The Unmannerly Tiger, and other Korean tales. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co.

Guthapfel, Minerva L. The Happiest Girl in Korea, and Other Stodies from the Land of Morning Calm. New York: F. H. Revell.

Kemp, Emily G. The face of Manchuria, Korea, & Russian Turkestan. New York: Duffield.

King, Franklin H. Farmers of forty centuries; or, Permanent agriculture in China, Korea, and Japan. Madison, Wis., Mrs. F. H. King.

Moose, J. Robert. Village Life in Korea. Nashville: Publishing House of the MEC, South.

Perry, Jean. Twenty Years a Korea Missionary Perry, Jean. Twenty Years a Korea Missionary. London: Patridge.

SVM. World Atlas of Christian missions: containing a directory of missionary societies, a classified summary of statistics, an index of mission stations, and maps showing the location of mission stations throughout the world. New York: SVM.

Bernheisel, Charles F. The Apostolic Church as Reproduced in Korea. New York: Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A.

Bradt, Charles Edwin. Around the World Studies and Stories of Presbyterian Foreign Missions. Wichita, Kansas: The Mission Press Company.

Brown, Arthur J. The Korean Conspiracy Case. Northfield, MA: Northfield Press.

Griffis, William E. The Modern Pioneer in Korea: The Life Story of Henry G. Appenzeller. New York: F. H. Revell.

New People’s Society. The Korean Conspiracy Trial; full report of the proceedings. Kobe: Office of the “Japan Chronicle.”

Baird, Annie L. A. Inside View of Mission Life. Philadelphia: Westminster Press.

Corbett, Hunter et. als. eds., A Record of American Presbyterian Work in Shantung Province, China, 1861-1913 . 2nd edition.

Gale, James S. tr. Korean Folk Tales: Imps, Ghosts and Fairies. London: J. M. Dent & Sons; New York: E. P. Dutton & Co.

Watase Tsuneyoshi 渡濱常吉. Chōsen kyōka no kyūmu 朝鮮敎化 急務. Tōkyō :Keiseisha,Taishō 2.

Underwood, Horace G. An introduction to the Korean spoken language. 2nd ed. Seoul: Religious Tract Society.

Brown, Arthur J. Rising Churches in Non-Christian Lands. New York: Missionary Education Movement in the US and Canada.

Trollope, Mark N. The Church of Corea. London: A. R. Mowbray.

Weber, Norbert. Im Lande der Morgenstille Weber, Norbert. Im Lande der Morgenstille: Reise-Erinnerungen an Korea. by a German Benedictine monk on Korea, Korean RC mission, Unsan Gold Mine, etc.

Dwight, Henry Otis. The Centennial History of the American Bible Society. New York: Macmillan.

Kil, Sunju. Mansa sôngchwi Kil, Sunju. Mansa sôngchwi [The Attainment of All Things]. Pyongyang: Kwangmyông sôgwan. preface

Cobb, Mrs. J. B. The Story of the Years in Korea. Nashville: Woman’s Missionary Council, Methodist Episcopal Church South. Cooper, S. Kate. Evangelism in Korea. Nashville: Board of Missions, Methodist Episcopal Church, South.

Fenwick, Malcolm C. Life in the Cup. Mesa Grande, CA: Church of Christ in Corea Extension.

Appert, Camille. For the Faith: Life of Just de Bretenières, martyred in Korea, March 8, 1866. Maryknoll, Ossining, NY: Catholic Foreign Mission Society.

Chung, Henry. Korea Treaties. H. S. Nichols.

Clark, Charles A. Digest of the Presbyterian Church of Korea. Seoul: Religious Book and Tract Society.

Conference of Federated Missions in Japan. The Christian Movement in the Japanese Empire. vol. 16. Tokyo.

de Bretenieres, Appert Camille. For the Faith: Life of Just de Bretenieres, Martyred in Korea, March 8, 1866. tr. by Florence Gilmore. Catholic Foreign Mission Society, Maryknoll, NY, 1918.

Foote, Rose C. A Diplomat’s Helpmate; how Rose F. Foote, wife of the first U.S. Minister and envoy extraordinary to Korea, served her country in the Far East. San Francisco: H. S. Croker Co.

Underwood, Lillias H. Underwood of Korea. New York & London: F. H. Revell Co.

Brown, Arthur J. The Mastery of the Far East; the Story of Korea’s Transformation and Japan’s Rise to Supremacy in the Orient. New York: C. Scribner’s Sons.

Conference of Federated Missions in Japan. The Christian Movement in the Japanese Empire. vol. 17. Tokyo. Korean Congress. First Korean Congress, held in the Little Theatre, 17th and Delancey Streets, April 14, 15, 16. Philadelphia.

Kendall, Carlton Waldo. The Truth about Korea. San Francisco : Korean National Association, 1919.

Martin, Newell. Japan’s Attempt to Exterminate Korean Christians. Milford, CT. Nisbet, Anabel Major. Day In Day Out in Korea. Richmond: Presbyterian Committee of Publication.

Walsh, James A. Observations in the Orient, the account of a journey to Catholic mission fields in Japan, Korea, Manchuria, China, Indo-China, and the Philippines. New York: Catholic Mission Society of America.

Conference of Federated Missions in Japan. The Christian Movement in the Japanese Empire. vol. 18. Tokyo.

McKenzie, Frederick Arthur. Korea’s Fight for Freedom. New York: F. H. Revell.

The Korean situation: authentic accounts of recent events / by eyewitnesses; issued by the Commission on Relations with the Orient of the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America.

Bland, John O. P. China, Japan and Korea. London: W. Heinemann.

Clark, Charles A. Clark, Charles A. First Fruits in Korea: A Story of Church Beginnings in the Far East. New York: F. H. Revell.

Cynn, Hugh Heung-woo, The Rebirth of Korea: the Reawakening of the People, its Causes, and Outlook. NY: Abingdon

Gordon, E. A. Asian Christology and the Mahayana. Tokyo: Maruzen & Co.

Nakarai, Kiyoshi. Relations between the government and Christianity in Chosen. Seoul.

朝鮮の統治と基督敎. Chōsen no tōchi to Kirisutokyō. ([Seoul] : Chōsen Sōtokufu, 1921)

경성부명치정천주교당, 성경직해 경성부명치정천주교당, 성경직해

Gale, James S. The Cloud Dream of the Nine [A translation of Kim Manjung’s Kuunmong]. London: Westminster Press.

Machen, Gresham. Christianity and Liberalism.

Urquhart, E. J. Glimpse of Korea. Mountain View, CA: Pacific Press Publishing Association. illustrations

Weber, Norbert. Im Lande der Morgenstille_2 Weber, Norbert. Im Lande der Morgenstille. Missionsverlag St. Ottilien.

The Catholic Church in Korea. Hong Kong: S. des m-e.

Swinehart, Lois Hawks. Jane in the Orient. New York: F. H. Revell.


Ryan, Chusam ed. Southern Methodism in Korea: Thirtieth Anniversary. Seoul: Board of Missions, Korea Annual Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church, South.

Swinehart, Lois Hawks. Sarangie Swinehart, Lois Hawks. Sarangie: A Child of Chosen. New York: Revell.

Underwood, Horace H. Modern Education in Korea. New York International Press.

Kim Taejin. The New Korea Kim Taejin. The New Korea. Seoul: KRTS.

Montgomery, Charles John Corfe: Navy Chaplain and Bishop. London: SPG, 1927.

Weber, Norbert. In den Diamantbergen Koreas. Oberbayern: Missionsverlag St. Ottilien, 1927

Bonwick, William G. ed. The Korea Missions Year Book. Seoul: Christian Literature Society Korea, 1928.

Fisher, J. Earnest. Democracy and mission education in Korea. New York, Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University.

Weber, Nobert. (Die)heilige Weide : eine Erzahlung aus dem koreanischen Missionsleben. Oberbayorn: Missionsbertag St. Ottolien, 1928. 

Paik, George Nak-chun. The History of Protestant Missions in Korea, 1832-1910. Pyeng Yang: Union Christian College Press.

Clark, Charles A. The Korean Church and the Nevius Methods. New York: F. H. Revell.



Theodore Stanley Soltau, Korea the Hermit Nation. London, New York: World Dominion Press, 1932.

Noble, Mattie Wilcox. Victorious lives of early Christians in Korea, Seoul: Korean Methodist Church; Tokyo: Kyobunkwan.

Rhodes, Harry A. History of the Korea Mission of the Presbyterian Church USA, 1884-1934. Seoul: Chosen Mission PCUSA.

Sauer, Charles A. Within the Gate. Seoul: Korea Methodist News Service.

Wasson, Alfred, Church Growth in Korea. International Miss Council.

Korea Mission of the PCUSA, The Fiftieth Celebration of the Korea Mission. Seoul.

Pyon, Chongho ed. Letters of Rev. Yi Yongdo Pyon, Chongho ed. Letters of Rev. Yi Yongdo 이용도목사서한집, 1934


This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 1935-our-Korean-friends.jpg Frederick S. Miller, Our Korean Friends. NY: Revelle, 1935.

Pyun, Youngtae. Songs from Korea Pyun, Youngtae. Songs from Korea. Seoul.

Clark, Charles A. The Nevius Plan for Mission Work. Seoul: Christian Literature Society.

Korea Mission of WFMS, Fifty Years of Light. Korea Mission of WFMS, Fifty Years of Light. Seoul: YMCA Press.

Foreign Affairs Department, Chosen Industry Leaps Ahead Foreign Affairs Department, Chosen Industry Leaps Ahead. Seoul: Government-General of Chosen.Taisho SHashin Kogeisho Co.

Mackenzie, James N. James Noble Mackenzie: Missionary to the New Hebrides and Korea, an Autobiography. London: Mission to Lepers.

Fred Harvey Harrington, God, Mammon, and the Japanese Fred Harvey Harrington, God, Mammon, and the Japanese: Dr. Horace N. Allen and Korean-American Relations, 1884-1905. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.

The United States Surgeon-General’s Office. Civil Public Health Division. Public health in the Japanese Empire. Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office, November 1944.

Blair, William N. Gold in Korea Blair, William N. Gold in Korea. New York: PCUSA.

Stokes, Charles D. “History of Methodist Missions in Korea, 1885–1930.” Ph.D. diss., Yale University, 1947.

For the books published from 1950 to 2005, see bibliographies in “Topical Bibliography”
For books, published from 2006, see “Recent Books”